Best Santana´s Album?

he's for sure not overrated a a guitar player. his stuff from 1968-1980 was mindblowing
Nahhh... it was nothing spectacular, groundbreaking etc... he's just an adequate guitar player but nothing special... then and now... Do you think his album Supernatural was his biggest hit because he's "Santana" or because of his guitar playing or more like it had to do with the all star cast of musicians/singers on the album? ... He didn't have a recording contract towards the end of the 90's... he was "saved" so to speak because of Clive Davis and only because he insisted on putting an all star cast on the album to make it a hit... obviously Davis did not have confidence in Santana making a hit on his own... Most artists Davis releases albums have other people on the albums, are cover songs of already past hit songs (Rod Stewart anyone?) and/or are songs written by other people (professional songwriters) and not the artists/bands themselves...
Nahhh... it was nothing spectacular, groundbreaking etc... he's just an adequate guitar player but nothing special... then and now... Do you think his album Supernatural was his biggest hit because he's "Santana" or because of his guitar playing or more like it had to do with the all star cast of musicians/singers on the album? ... He didn't have a recording contract towards the end of the 90's... he was "saved" so to speak because of Clive Davis and only because he insisted on putting an all star cast on the album to make it a hit... obviously Davis did not have confidence in Santana making a hit on his own... Most artists Davis releases albums have other people on the albums, are cover songs of already past hit songs (Rod Stewart anyone?) and/or are songs written by other people (professional songwriters) and not the artists/bands themselves...

of course it was a huge hit because it had tons of guests on it but guess what, from 1968-1975 every santana album was a hit and most of the songs were instrumentals. how is he an adequate guitar player when he is ranked normally in the top 25 of every "greatest guitar player" list. saying he is nothing special is ridiculous. he did something that at the time was very unheard of in rock music

you obviously have never heard these tunes:

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Nothing special ? Santana had his own feel to his playing. He was also amounst the early groundbreakers making his own way doing his own thing. Also amounst the first few to bring Latin to rock. Gary Moore, Satriani and many others have shown their own twist on the Santana feel. He was good enough to do an album with John Mclauglin, so yeah whatever, he covered some songs, then theres people that just steal them.... who are honestly grossly over-rated

I dont have any Santana albums anymore, however Europa is one of my all time favorite guitar pieces. I do have a live tape I recorded off FM radio in the early 90's thats a great listen, loaded with excellent Santana feel.
you obviously have never heard these tunes:

I wouldnt expect someone that thinks Ozzy is a God to enjoy Santana... think about it.....

Interestingly I would not be surprised to find that Gilmour listened to Carlos, they are from the same school of improv. substance over flash
I don't like his music. He have a good fan base, and lots of old rockers like his stuff but I simply find in unappealing.
Open Invitation is a good song. Im a bit partial to All I Ever Wanted, great rock tune of the era, love the main riff and its somewhat out of his typical style. However it was very similiar to his more recent work where he co-wrote music aimed at commercial radio.
For Santana's studio records try "Caravanserai" the guitar and all instruments are played exceedingly well. Brilliant piece of work. For Live records try "Lotus" Santana took his band to Japan on this one. Extremely good album, some refer to listening to this as a "religeous experience." If you listen to Lotus, listen to the Japanese crowd, a perfect example of reserve and politeness.
I was never a huge fan but I'll take the songs 'Winning' and 'Nowhere To Run' from the early 80's over all of the overplayed "greatest hits" that classic rock stations beat to death throughout the years....

He's similar to Clapton in that I respect his legacy (well, until Smooth :heh:), but I don't see what all the fuss is about....
I'll give Carlos this, he has a unique tone when he plays you know it's him.

Exactly, his tone and his expression is what his most important contributation to music was, along with the latin percussion and grooves. He was amounst the first rock groundbreakers, along with Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, Lee, ect. So for someone to say "nothing new" today is a no brainer because he was one of the influences and rubbed off on many that came after. However in 69 and years after there was no one like him.

I like Smooth just fine, it got over played but sounded great for awhile, theres alot worse pop out there.

I saw Santana sometime in the late 70's and it was the best concert I had been to at that time. Great clear sound, no mumbled, jumbled acoustics going on. Cant say the same for the Rush/Blue Oyster Cult concerts (2) I went to.
of course it was a huge hit because it had tons of guests on it but guess what, from 1968-1975 every santana album was a hit and most of the songs were instrumentals.
Yes and he was a dud after that hence why Clive brought in an all star cast & Santana has done songs with others since then because he probably knows his albums will not be hits without them and Clive certainly knows that...
how is he an adequate guitar player when he is ranked normally in the top 25 of every "greatest guitar player" list. saying he is nothing special is ridiculous. he did something that at the time was very unheard of in rock music
So has Kurt Cobain and others who we all know do not deserve to be on those lists... those lists are a joke and you know it much like the Grammy's.. it's a popularity contest most of the time... He did something unheard of in rock music? Latin music? I would probably say Richie Valens was before him on that... but i'll give Santana the credit for making it more "Latin"... but that still does not make his playing "great"...

I'm 37 years old this year... no need to play me Santana... I have heard his music plenty in the past...

Nothing special ? Santana had his own feel to his playing. He was also amounst the early groundbreakers making his own way doing his own thing. Also amounst the first few to bring Latin to rock.
Like i said , nothing special. Bringing an outside influence to rock music does not equate to being great. It's what you do with that influence and such that makes someone great. I'll probably get flamed for this but here it goes. Most if not all of you with the exception of Wyvern are not latin and if you think what Santana has played as great latin then no offense but im laughing as i type this lol I am not sure if Wyv is a latin music fan but i am and you can tell the difference between good, great and mediocre in it. I just think you need to be latin to get a feel for what is good or bad latin music. Something most of you would not understand though you think you do. Much like a white man cannot dance Latin no matter how many years of latin dance classes they take <shrugs>
He was good enough to do an album with John Mclauglin, so yeah whatever, he covered some songs, then theres people that just steal them.... who are honestly grossly over-rated
He played with John McLaughlin... and?

As for covering songs, I never criticized Santana for that. I criticized Rod Stewart for that lol

I wouldnt expect someone that thinks Ozzy is a God to enjoy Santana... think about it.....

Interestingly I would not be surprised to find that Gilmour listened to Carlos, they are from the same school of improv. substance over flash
Who says I think Ozzy is God? And who said I didn't like Santana's music or enjoyed it? Please quote me on each. Thank you.

Gilmour to me is God though. And no offense but Santana tries to be flash at times. But he's not though he tries.

I don't like his music. He have a good fan base, and lots of old rockers like his stuff but I simply find in unappealing.
Exactly... ^^5

Abraxas is pretty good, but there's several duds. For latin-type stuff I far prefer Al Di Meola
Now your talking... Al Di Meola really kicks ass... :kickass: ^^5 Mediterrean Sundance anyone?

He's similar to Clapton in that I respect his legacy (well, until Smooth :heh:), but I don't see what all the fuss is about....
Exactly ^^5...

I'll give Carlos this, he has a unique tone when he plays you know it's him.
Yes he does... still doesn't make him great... and definetly know when it's him... that i'll give him...

Exactly, his tone and his expression is what his most important contributation to music was, along with the latin percussion and grooves. He was amounst the first rock groundbreakers, along with Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, Lee, ect. So for someone to say "nothing new" today is a no brainer because he was one of the influences and rubbed off on many that came after. However in 69 and years after there was no one like him.
Again, his tone and expression does not make his playing great as compared to others. And as i already stated his latin percussion and grooves were not that good with respects to latin music itself. And you already know my reasons why I think that and why you wouldn't know what is good, ok or bad latin music. As for his influence on others... i seriously have not heard anyone whose influence you can directly say is from Santana.. perhaps there is but i don't recall hearing anyone... Latin influenced rock music where it is more rock then latin never really took off.. but the other way around of more latin music then rock has taken off in recent years in Latin America but not because of Santana.. one group that comes to mind is Mana... as well as others...
Most if not all of you with the exception of Wyvern are not latin and if you think what Santana has played as great latin then no offense but im laughing as i type this lol I am not sure if Wyv is a latin music fan but i am and you can tell the difference between good, great and mediocre in it. I just think you need to be latin to get a feel for what is good or bad latin music...

... but the other way around of more latin music then rock has taken off in recent years in Latin America but not because of Santana.. one group that comes to mind is Mana... as well as others...

I born in Argentina and grew up in Costa Rica, so yes I have been exposed a lot to latin music and GOD I HATE IT! :puke: So Santana actually not only does nothing for me, I find it uncomfortable to listen to.

Now because of my upbringing I like Argentinian folk music, so I don't have an issue when metal bands combine that influence in their music. Neither I have a problem with Spanish bands that combine flamenco or other sounds into their songs (I recommend Paco de Lucia extensively to listen to good Spanish guitar music).

I'm a bad Latin example, I can relate more with a band like Tyr that plays Faroese and Danish folk than to Latin music. One exception may be Brazilian rhythms, they're really good specially in jazz fusion, so if anyone cares you can check Kiko Loureiro (Angra) second solo album "Universo Inverso", great stuff indeed.

P.S. And Mana is awful to the Nth degree (pop latin rock), so is Jaguares, Juanes and all those ...things :ill:
making albums now with multiple guest artists is his style now. just like he did a few jazz influenced albums and a few r&b influenced albums and at the end of the 70's/early 80's he did a few mainstream rock influenced albums. almost every artist in music does something successful and then follows that pattern for a few albums until that dies then tries something new. its called reinventing yourself and every band except for maybe ac/dc and motorhead do that