Best Testament Album

I totally agree with FatalBoy 100% "The Legacy" and "The Gathering" are the very best 2. I also agree with starting at the beginning and progressing WITH the band. It will give you a much clearer picture of how they developed as a band.
Alright. Is "The Legacy" more heavy or lighter stuff? Or is just a mix? The only songs I've heard so far are: 3 Days in Darkness, Eyes of Wrath, and Return to Serenity. Any other songs I should check out before I buy the CD? Thanks.
LOW or Live at the filmore . Demonic isn't all that bad either. infact it rules!

I'd say the Legacy first followed by New World Oder and Practice. Then catch up on the later albums and then get the slower stuff in the middle
Originally posted by testacat
all of them are the best!!
so, I mean
You know, you are right Testacat. I like these questions, but when you post something like this, and someone types, ALL OF THEM, makes one think, Shit, why didn't I type that!!!!! :p :D :lol: :)
Originally posted by EyeAm
Alright. Is "The Legacy" more heavy or lighter stuff? Or is just a mix? The only songs I've heard so far are: 3 Days in Darkness, Eyes of Wrath, and Return to Serenity. Any other songs I should check out before I buy the CD? Thanks.

''The Legacy'' is not heavier than ''The Gathering''..''The Gathering'' have some of the heaviest Testament moments and growling vocals..''The LEgacy'' is old-school thrash, having some classics..

here are a few songs that i recommend from ''The Legacy'' ..

Over The Wall
Alone In The Dark
Burnt Offerings
Originally posted by Valofvalhalla

You know, you are right Testacat. I like these questions, but when you post something like this, and someone types, ALL OF THEM, makes one think, Shit, why didn't I type that!!!!! :p :D :lol: :)

oh, I love them
so, I can't stop myself!:D :headbang: :worship:
im a huge Testament fan (btw im new to the board)
(and in fact i think testament is my all time favorite band... next to death...)

i think most people have it obveously right on there best 4 albums... The Gathering, Low, The New Order, The Legacy

but i think people are overlooking one thing... The Gathering is way to different from The New Order and Legacy... and i dont think should be compared...

i think each album the new order, the legacy and the gathering are flawless perfect 10 albums... and low is a close second 8/10 (due to its scattered and incosnistant nature)

but deffinatly buy all 4 albums... u will not be dissapointed... just dont expect them to be all that similar... cus what makes testament so great is there range... and how much ass they kICK :D:p :D