Best Testament song from each album


True Believer
Jan 13, 2003
Chicago IL
The Legacy: Over the Wall/Raging Waters
The New Order: Trial by Fire/Disciples of the Watch
Practice What You Preach: Perlious Nation/Practice What You Preach
Souls of Black: Souls of Black and the Legacy ( tie)
The Ritual: Return to Serenity
Low: Dog Faced Gods/ Low
Demonic: Demonic Refusal
The Gathering: DNR/ True Believer
Doing this from memory.

Legacy:Apocalyptic City
New Order:Take your pick, any one will do.
Practice:The Ballad
Ritual:The Ritual
Low:Once again, any one.
Demonic:Demonic Refusal, or Hatred's Rise
I think this one deserves some also deserves some thought...

Legacy, Alone in the Drak
New Order, Eerie Inhabitants
PWYP, Sins of Omission

The others I have to think about for a while...
The Legacy - Over the Wall (though all of the songs are great!)
New Order - Disciples of the Watch
Practice What you Preach - Practice What you Preach
Souls of Black - Malpractice
The Ritual - Electric Crown
Low - Dog Faced Gods
Demonic - Demonic Refusal
The Gathering - Can't pick one, love'em all!
THE LEGACY - Over the Wall / Burnt Offerings
NEW ORDER - New Order / Eerrie Inhabitants
PRACTICE - Sins Of Omission
SOULS - Love To Hate / Legacy
RITUAL - Electric Crown / Agony
LOW - Dog Faced Gods
DEMONIC - Demonic Refusal / Burning Times
GATHERING - DNR / Fall of Sipledom

At first I named off 3 per record because this is way tough to just pick one. Sorry for picking two on most but I can't help it. :grin: There has to be at least 3 off each one that I'd like to list but these will do for now.
THE LEGACY - Over the Wall / The Haunting
NEW ORDER - New Order / Trial By fire
PRACTICE - Practice What You Preach/Sins Of Omission
SOULS - Falling Fast / Souls Of Black
RITUAL - The Sermon / As The Seasons grey
LOW - Demonic RefusalDog Faced Gods
DEMONIC - Demonic Refusal / The Burning Times
GATHERING - DNR / 3 Days In Darkness

I'll pick 2 off each, since Hidden Legions did also.................
The Legacy - Over The Wall
The New Order - Trial By Fire
Practice What You Preach - Sins of Omission
Souls of Black - Souls of Black
The Ritual - Electric Crown
Low - Hail Mary
Demonic - Demonic Refusal/John Doe
I've only been listening to the band for about 2 months and I haven't heard much:(
I first got The Very Best Of Testament...But the only whole albums I have are:
The Legacy-The Haunting
The Gathering-True Believer

I will update this when I get more albums:cool:
The Legacy-Alone in the Dark
New World Order-Disciples of the Watch/The Preacher
Practice What You Preach-Practice What You Preach
Souls of Black-Don't have
The Ritual-Electric Crown from the ones I've heard on the Best of
Low-Hail Mary
Demonic-Haven't listened to it yet(just got it)
The Gathering-3 Days of Darkness