best wah to buy?


Dec 23, 2009
hey guys! im looking for a new wah

i have 3 in mind, the 3 from dunlop (which is the brand i like the most by far):

wah dime from hell (classic)
EVH-95 (van halen) wah
kirk hammett wah kh-95

until now i love the van halen wah, the kirk hammetts wah is very good too and maybe better for the kind of music i play (metal) and suprisely i cant like much of the sound of the dime from hell, even though everybody likes it

but before i buy anything i would like to have some feedback, which of those 3 u guys like most? if you have another sugestions feel free too say plz (it doesnt need to be a signature wah like all i said :lol: )

thanks ;D