bestiality porn VS. nevermore

Have you ever seen Nevermore in a beastiality video??
Now that's impressive!!
The one I saw involved a dog and lots of alcohol. It was filmed in the D.C. area. Ask Jeff about it when you meet him on tour!
MSC have you not be banned yet?

If you like bestiality porns so much (and you have to talk about it all the time, no matter if we are interested or not) why don't you make your "passion" to your job? You can only have profit!

And don't mix up music with sex, they don't have so much to do each other ( and we cannot read about your obsessions all the time!)

Have you seen anyone else here writing about their fetish?
wendy will not ban me because she is a mature adult and understands i am not being malicious in my posts.

where she is from(the netherlands) bestiality porn is legal and she doesnt see why it is outlawed in america.

and as soon as i find some women willing to have sex with horses and dogs, i will film it and sell it!
Just leave it...

You don't have to ask all the time about bestiality pornos and you don't have to post links all the time.

Apart from that, this site is being visited from underaged and they should officially not come to contact with porns, even in the Netherlands.