Bet little willie bozzo is asleep now???

i was fairly confident that I'd win, and was willing to wage me newly acquired ID crisis set:


in hopes of attaining:


which I desperately want. i already have the former set back in TO, so i'm really only risking black canary and cap boomerang. but Canary is HOT AND AND AND she's donning REAL FABRIC FISHNETS!!! OMGZ

so yeah. although butt toys are cool, and bowcasters are REALLY cool. you fags are off. :mad:
yeah but how many points of articulation does she have? HUH?

(and I only mention she, because everyone not Sara Pezzini witchblade is utterly useless. even though The Darkness dude LOOKS damn cool and MAY possess the witchblade but also may not!!)
Oh man, that just reminds me about how much I want to start reading witchblade again. Though, I'd have about 2-3 years to catch up on :/
yeah but how many points of articulation does she have? HUH?

(and I only mention she, because everyone not Sara Pezzini witchblade is utterly useless. even though The Darkness dude LOOKS damn cool and MAY possess the witchblade but also may not!!)

The left is Kenneth Irons, right is Ian Nottingham. Though I desperately wish I had a Darkness action figure f-sho. (My favorite comics evah.) She has total of 4 points, not counting the head because it doesn't really move due to her hair. Oh and the Witchblade glows.




This is my sad small collection I have with me at college. However my Spiderman beats point count on anything figure.


nope. wasn't asleep. I was at an improv comedy show that my friend was in. I won't be going to bed for a while, seeing as though my new job starts Monday and is from midnight to 8am.