Charles J

New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2008
I knowwww, I keep rehashing old shit but I'm waiting for our NEWEST stuff to come out so I figured I'd post this up for anyone who hasn't heard it (unlikely I guess, LOL).

Probably most satisfied with this mix out of almost anything I've done... especially for the style.

A metric TON of automation on EVERY SINGLE element of the mix, obviously MOSTLY on the vocals but I autmated every song part by part to give each section it's own impact and thing; especially with track counts as high as these sessions were!

Mixed + Reamped + Mastered by meeeeeeeeeeeee. =D

TS > 5150 > Mesa OS > single 57 > Neve w/EQ engaged.
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Hey man, always wondered who made this thing sound so beast. In the genre, this is one of my favourites mixes of all time! Props to you on that one. What did you do exactly in terms of automation? I never did much automation other that automation the pre-FX to give room for the compressors to work with... Damn, i want details. If you have time to hit me up on PM, I'd be much grateful.
Combination of their music, with your mix is like... you have the right to show off with that, necrobumping this thread after a year would be perfectly fine for me.
thanks so much guys!!!

yes, unfortunately I was only supplied MIDI drums as it wasn't in the budget to record real drums which is, 110% of the time my preference but I tried to make it work the best I could.

And I do agree on the drums, BUT, I found that I had to compromise with the drums a littttttle bit. the massive wall of guitar is PRIMARILY the sound of the bass TBH. If you heard this mix w/the bass muted you'd be like, wtf? Hahahaha...

Ask away guys! I'd be more than happy to answer any questions and yes indeed, produced, mixed + mastered for Sumerian Records + BTM =D
Any tips with gluing the bass and guitars? I can never seem to give it the relationship that makes it sound like one instrument all together. The one triplet section in tapestry of my halfway through the first verse rocks my world from how heavy it sounds
Any tips with gluing the bass and guitars? I can never seem to give it the relationship that makes it sound like one instrument all together. The one triplet section in tapestry of my halfway through the first verse rocks my world from how heavy it sounds

Practice practice practice man, that's all I can really say as far as tips!!! It took me a loooong time to get those relationships the BROOTZ that I wanted without one or the other being overtly loud.

As I always say, HP/LP filtering is my best friend. BUT, you need good sounding filters =D

Lot's of options out there, Softube's Tilt EQ is nice, as is the SSL E-Channel... but I'll use different filters for different things because their alllll a little different. Even some freebies!

And thanks dude =D The bass tone on this record is entirely massive... I shouldn't say it's all ITB because the bass was duped and processed through 3 or 4 pedals plus an ITB chain... ya know, Big Muff, Rat, etc... all filtered and blended to what you hear on the record.

The guitar of course still 'bloom' but leave plenty of low-end for the bass and take over when you get into the 4-5khz region for clarity...
Love how everything's sitting on this, guitars are massive and dominant but the drums don't sound like they *need* to be louder or more up front, they're just *occupying the back seat* and as a result the mix has a great sense of depth and dimension. Too many guitar dominant mixes have the drums buried and rendered powerless because they're trying to fight it out up front with the guitars. Putting them in their own place where they still have power while allowing the guitars dominate is great when done right like this. Hats off to you sir!

You've got it PRECISELY correct my friend!!! =D

Thank you SO MUCH for the compliments!
Charles, You know i dig/we all dig the overall picture! haha. Massive record!!! If i had the chance to steal the multitracks, i´d turn up those guitars a bit, lower the bass a little, and make those drums punch through more. Apart from my personal tastes, the mix rocks!!!