Betraying The Martyrs - New Album - Studio report ep.1

Jan 11, 2011
Hey guys !

After more than 2 years without a single note of new music , I am very proud to present you this video , first part of a studio report about the recording of our 2nd album , in which you will hear some little bits and pieces of new songs :)

I've been once again in charge of all the recording / producing of this record (appart from about half of the vocals that were tracks in LA with Allan Hesler ) .

The mix / master has been done by our friend Nicolas Delestrade (NDSE recordings) here in Paris .

I learned a LOT from this forum that helped me in the recording / producing of this album and the previous one , so I like to think that it wouldn't sound the same without it ! There is a bit of every Sneapster in this record ! haha

Hope you guys will enjoy this , more will come soon (part 2 of the studio report, full new song , album official announcement , music videos , etc etc)

Feel free to share your thoughts about what you hear , or to ask any questions you might have about the recording process !


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Thanks a lot dsgseven7 !

Live drums indeed ! There is a fair share of sample replacement though , especially kick / toms (I had someone buy the heads for me and a mistake was made , we got coated heads instead of clear ones for the toms, and I just couldn't get the sound I wanted out of them .... Also the studio had a very limited mic locker , wish I had 421s !! )

I think drummers will love this record, lots of crazy stuff going on :)
Hey guys ! We just uploaded the second episode of this studio report, this time focusing on Vocals and Keyboards !

Let me know what you think ! I'd love to get more feedback from sneapsters !

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Dude I fucking love your band. I've jammed the ever living shit out of Breathe In Life (btw, Azalee is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, any insight on what the context of the lyrics are?). The clips in this sound soooo sick as well, I've been waiting for new stuff for so long. Cheers man! This sounds brilliant
Wow thanks guys , it means a lot :)

Glad you like Azalee ! Funny thing, I didn't want it to be on the record at first haha , but then it grew onto me , and I also have to say CJ's mix gave it so much depth !

We should get a single out aswell as announcing a release date within a few weeks I hope :)

Is Aaron even human? Anyways, this will be the album of the year for sure.

And don't forget. We need that phat bass you had on the last record. So much win.
I picked the new record up and must say, it rocks! Great job on the production. Any details on the guitars? Mostly ITB? How much of the console was used in the video?