Better Know A Band: Dream Evil


oh noes!!
Jan 23, 2002
Columbia, SC, USA
Dream Evil:

Wiki Entry:

Producer Fredrik Nordström had the ambition of creating a power metal band of his own for a long time, but had difficulty finding anyone with musical ideals similar to his own. However, while on holiday in the Greek islands during the year of 1999, Nordström met the young guitarist Gus G. (from Firewind). The musicians got along quite well, despite an age difference of over a decade. Plans for a band commenced - Gus had already been planning to relocate to Gothenburg, and upon his arrival he looked up Fredrik at Studio Fredman to begin writing.

The first person asked to join the new band was Snowy Shaw (from King Diamond, Mercyful Fate and Notre Dame), but the drummer initially refused their invitation. He would later change his mind and agreed to play on the band's debut album in a session capacity.

Vocalist Niklas Isfeldt had done backing vocals for some of HammerFall's songs produced by Nordström, and since he was not involved in any major projects at the time, he agreed to take the position. He also brought along his longtime friend and Pure-X bandmate Peter Stålfors, who assumed bass duties.

Up until the moment the first promotional photos were shot, the entire band had never been in the same place at the same time before. Some members did not even know each other.

The band soon got a deal with Century Media Records, and intended to name themselves Dragonslayer due to the medieval and fantastical themes of the songs written by Gus and Nordström. The label did not find the name original enough, and thus the band settled for the name Dream Evil, inspired by the Dio album of the same name.

Dream Evil's debut album was released in April of 2002, and received positive feedback from the metal press. At one point the album, titled Dragonslayer, reached number one on the Japanese import charts. The band proceeded to play a series of festivals, and also supported Blind Guardian during a part of their world tour.

The band members found that they got along well as a unit, despite the somewhat random manner by which they had been brought together - Snowy Shaw decided to join the band permanently, and Dream Evil went on their first Japanese tour. During their stay in Japan, the band was invited by HammerFall to support their 2003 European tour. Their label manager hinted that it would be a good idea to have a new album out by then.

With little time on their hands, the band wrote the basis of several songs on the flight back to Europe, and on the day of their arrival entered the studio in order to record a new album. They took two weeks in total to record Evilized, and most songs were recorded as they had been written. It was released on the 20th of January, and one week later Dream Evil proceeded to tour Europe with HammerFall and the less known Masterplan.

For their third album, the band actually took time to write the songs and fine-tune them in the studio. The Book of Heavy Metal took two months to be recorded, and was released in May of 2004.

Guitarist Gus G. left the band in late 2004 in order to dedicate more time to Firewind, being replaced by Mark Black (then known as Mark U Black). Black had previously filled in for Gus on a few other occasions and replaced him permanently on their tour as support act for Saxon.

Niklas Isfeldt and Peter Stålfors briefly left in 2005 to be replaced by Jake E. Berg (aka Jake Steel, of Dreamland) and Tommy Larsson, but returned before recordings or live shows were done. At the start of 2006, Snowy Shaw abruptly quit Dream Evil. After a period of silence for several months, Dream Evil announced Pat Power (Patrik Jerksten), a co-worker of Fredrik Nordström from Studio Fredman, as Snowy's replacement.

The first album featuring the new line-up, United, was released on October 13, 2006.

Dream Evil announced on December 7, 2007 on the website that Mark Black would be leaving the band and will be replaced by Daniel Varghamne aka Dannee Demon.

On March 3, 2008, the band announced that they had begun work on a new studio album, tentatively titled In the Night. The album is set to be released January 25, 2010 in Europe and January 26, 2010 in North America.

On July 23, 2008, the band announced that their first live DVD/CD set, Gold Medal in Metal (Alive & Archive), will be released on August 25, 2008.

Personal Take:

Similar to the Hammerfall announcement of last year, I had mixed feelings. This is probably caused by the fact that my enjoyment of new and completely power metal albums has been waning over the course of a few years now. When Dream Evil released their debut album, I was all over it. It was great, and honestly it still is to my ears. I have kept up with them over the years, but nothing has quite hit that first album. But they have killer energy on the albums, and just like Hammerfall, I fully expect a ridiculously energetic live show.

As an aside, Hammerfall was partially responsible back in the late 90's to my entry into European metal (along with a few others). But just like Dream Evil, my love of Hammerfall had waned. However, their energy at ProgPower and the obvious fun the whole band was having, re-won me back over. I expect nothing less from Dream Evil. So I am definitely looking forward to this.

Before writing up this BNAB, I decided to go back and listen to all of their albums a few times as a refresher. Two days before ProgPower this year, I actually popped in their debut and it's still as fun as I remembered it.

Sounds like:

This isn't even velvetta, it's a cheetos-cheese dusted canister of EZ-Cheese which contains cheese flavoured cheese. How is this possible? Ask Dream Evil. Straight up Power Metal. Nothing progressive at all about it. Nods to the greats can all be found here. In fact, some songs are very reminiscent of other bands (not in a bad way). What has always helped these guys is their vocalist, Niklas Isfeldt. His tone always sounds great and while not the most unique, his voice is still pretty unmistakable. Common themes in their songs are Metal, the gloriousness of Metal, Kings, Fighting, etc. Catchy as hell and a lot of fun.

The main thing to remember about Dream Evil is that their albums are not meant to be serious, they are meant to be fun and cheesy as hell.

Discography at a Glance:

Dragonslayer - Their debut, and it was all the talk when it came out. I still consider this their strongest album. Gus G. on guitars, Snowy Shaw on drums, etc. Has a slightly more serious tone than their later albums would have. Highly recommended if you like Power Metal and have somehow not heard this one.

Evilized - Written within a few days while they were on their European tour. A really strong Power Metal album, but not quite up to part with Dragonslayer.

The Book of Heavy Metal - A lot of really strong and standout tracks, but a lot of tracks that feel like filler. Definitely recommended for people still heavily into straight up power metal. Not really offering anything new though.

United - My feeling is about the same for this album as it is for The Book of Heavy Metal.

In The Night - This was released earlier this year, and I have not really had a chance to listen to this one enough to be able to offer a solid opinion on it. So if someone wants to fill this in, that would be great!

Quick Song Hitlist:

Chasing The Dragon - Dragonslayer
In Flames You Burn - Dragonslayer
The Chosen Ones - Dragonslayer
Losing You - Dragonslayer :: obligatory ballad!
Break The Chains - Evilized
Evilized - Evilized
Children of the Night - Evilized
The Book of Heavy Metal (March of the Metallians) - The Book of Heavy Metal
Into the Moonlight - The Book of Heavy Metal
Crusaders Anthem - The Book of Heavy Metal
United - United
Blind Evil - United
Immortal - In The Night
The Unchosen One - In The Night

Some Tube Links:

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Hrmm...good write up, though I do not agree with the level of cheesiness you claim them to be.

Sure, lyrically, they are cheese, but musically, they are a lot heavier than your run of the mill Velveeta....

Well, anyhow, that's my 2 cents.
Hrmm...good write up, though I do not agree with the level of cheesiness you claim them to be.

Sure, lyrically, they are cheese, but musically, they are a lot heavier than your run of the mill Velveeta....

Well, anyhow, that's my 2 cents.

When judging for the amount of cheese any band may have, I pretty much do 90% lyrical content and 10% music. So that might be where the disparity lies. :P
Absolutely LOVE the songs The Book of Heavy Metal and Break The Chains by this band....they are required listening!!
When judging for the amount of cheese any band may have, I pretty much do 90% lyrical content and 10% music. So that might be where the disparity lies. :P

Ahh, well, that's a different story.

Take a band like Rhapsody. Sure, there is cheese in the lyrics, but I think even moreso in the music with all that is piped in, etc......
From someone that is absolutely in love with this band, pick up their live cd/dvd "Gold Medal in Metal", is up there with "Alive in Athens" imo
these guys are awesome. They just kill live. I saw them a few years back in LA, was one of my favorite shows.

I still like their debut the best, but United is right up there with it.
small nitpick, Dream Evil is more true metal than power metal, given the lack of double bass runs and hymn-like choruses often found in the genre.

For those unfamiliar, didn't want to give an impression that they are in the Stratovarius/Dragonforce/Gamma Ray/Sonata school of power metal. Dream Evil are more closely related to bands like Hammerfall and Manowar.
I'm hoping they'll ask Snowy Shaw to hit the drums for a song or two, since he'll be there already!