Dream Evil = Dream Killers

Andy Laudano

Feb 24, 2005
Ft Worth Texas
All my friends can tell you how excited I was to see Dream Evil this year. I've always been a fan of 70s & 80s classic hard rock and heavy metal. So much so that when the 90s came and that style of music disappeared from the airwaves it felt like I lost my best friend.

Around 2001 or so a local classic rock station had a free meet & greet with Sammy Hagar. While waiting in line I see a guy wearing a Manowar t-shirt. I couldn't believe there was someone else in the area that heard of them, let alone liked them enough to wear a t-shirt so I had to go up and say "Hi, like your shirt." Turned out he owned a CD shop and said he carried a lot of metal. When I got to his store I was impressed! Not only did he know his stuff but he had stuff on CD I'd been looking for for years and was beginning to think didn't exist. Plus he was playing killer NEW music from bands I'd never heard before. Stratovarius, Primal Fear, HammerFall, Lost Horizon. I bought a bunch of CDs and he gave me a free sampler called Now That's What I Call Metal. It had Iced Earth, Savatage, Primal Fear, HammerFall, Jag Panzer, Steel Prophet and a bunch of cool bands. One track in particular really blew me away, "Losing You" by Dream Evil. It was a big 80's style power ballad like I hadn't heard in years. I had to have that album Dragonslayer. It quickly became my favorite CD and rarely ever left my CD player. My best friend was back and we had some catching up to do!

Fast Forward a few years and I'm working for a local rock magazine that lets me cover the music I love. Gus G., the incredibly talented guitarist from the first few Dream Evil albums was actually going to be in the US, playing Ozzfest with Arch Enemy. I got to interview him after the show and asked him why he left Dream Evil. Gus said he loved being in that band but he was much younger than the other guys. He said they all had families and real jobs that (rightfully) came first before the band. Dream Evil was more like a hobby to them. They were happy to do a few live shows (mainly festivals) a year, but Gus was young and wanted to get out and tour the world. Between hearing that, and reading rumors on the forum that Glenn was not a fan I was positive this was one favorite band I'd never get to see live.

(Still reading? Good cuz here comes the payoff!) So there I am at ProgPower last year watching the announcement for this year's roster. I'm a bit let down so far as other than Mob Rules, I don't have any idea who most of these bands are. Then the impossible dream comes true and Dream Evil is announced! Suddenly I don't care who else is playing, I'm gonna see Dream Evil! The rest is just gravy. Then I get the news today that they have to cancel. Worse yet it's their own damn fault for not making the effort to get their visas done on their end until the last minute! And worse still, by burning this bridge with Glenn it guarantees I'll never get to see them live. That dream has officially died. So from here on out I say that much like we refer to Nevermore as "Neveragain" we should just start refering to Dream Evil as Dream Killers. That's what they are.

And by the way, I still fully intend to go and enjoy the fest anyway with my ProgPower family.
You know that there is always some morons that will blame the promoter. Its true. Trust me. I always got your back Mr. Harvester!
Nothing to do with Dream Evil...but screw it...

It felt appropriate:

My dream is seeing Dokken at ProgPower. Reunion lineup, of course. :)
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Nothing to do with Dream Evil...but screw it...

It felt appropriate:


My dream is seeing Dokken at ProgPower. Reunion lineup, of course. :)

There's probably a better chance of Dream Killers appearing at ProgPower than a reunited Dokken! George Lynch has been pretty clear that another reunion with Don wasn't gonna happen and Jeff's really happy with Foreigner.
You know that there is always some morons that will blame the promoter. Its true. Trust me. I always got your back Mr. Harvester!

I've got Glenn's back too. As dissappointed and pissed off as I am, I can't even imagine the frustration he's going through. I'll be at every ProgPower until the sad day he has to pull the plug.
Just from wikipedia:

"On December 8, 2010, George Lynch announced on his website and in interviews earlier that Dokken reunion will not be happening. Lynch stated:

We feel it’s important to let folks know there will be no Dokken reunion in the foreseeable future, if ever. This is Don’s decision, despite Jeff’s and my best intentions and efforts over the past few years to make this happen in good faith. My apologies to VH1, Eddie Trunk, Steve Strange and all the fans who were pulling for this to happen.[20][21]"


"In June 2010, both Don Dokken and George Lynch appeared together in an episode of That Metal Show. In the episode, they claimed that the main cause of their rift was a publicity stunt that they both eventually started to believe. George also stated that Don also wanted to "take all the money and all the credit" did not help, with Don nodding during the statement. They both also mentioned that they would love to have a reunion with Don, George, Jeff, and Mick, but that they are all too busy with other projects in 2010 (between Dokken's current lineup, Lynch Mob, Jeff's involvement with Foreigner, etc.). They did not rule out a 2011 reunion."

I kind of agree with you but I'd love to see it and apparently it's all on Don.
Exactly. Trust me you won't find a bigger Dream Evil fan than me, and I have the collection to prove it. I am a GUS G (yes I know Gus left after TBOHM) collector overall, and have been following Dream Evil since their debut album Dragonslayer.

Anyone that blames the promoter on this is a nimrod. Stuff like this is out of his control. As much as I love DE this whole debacle lies on their shoulders. I know shit happens but they should have taken care of things long ago. I will ALWAYS remain a big DE fan, and I don't think they purposely went out of the way to fuck Glenn over but it was irresponsible of them to delay getting the proper paperwork in order.

In the end just don't let this hiccup ruin your experience. Prog Power USA is an amazing festival for not only seeing the bands but the people who attend as well.

This really is a shame. I wanted desperately to go to this year's PP just because of Dream Evil, but due to unforeseen circumstances (my mom bought us tickets to Spain..) I can't. My husband and I are big DE fans. So much so, that at our wedding, I played "My #1" with my band (at the time) as a surprise for him, at the reception. It's sort of "our song". I'm so sorry this happened, what a shame they couldn't fulfill their part of the agreement.
Exactly. Trust me you won't find a bigger Dream Evil fan than me, and I have the collection to prove it. I am a GUS G (yes I know Gus left after TBOHM) collector overall, and have been following Dream Evil since their debut album Dragonslayer.

Anyone that blames the promoter on this is a nimrod. Stuff like this is out of his control. As much as I love DE this whole debacle lies on their shoulders. I know shit happens but they should have taken care of things long ago. I will ALWAYS remain a big DE fan, and I don't think they purposely went out of the way to fuck Glenn over but it was irresponsible of them to delay getting the proper paperwork in order.

In the end just don't let this hiccup ruin your experience. Prog Power USA is an amazing festival for not only seeing the bands but the people who attend as well. At the end of the day, Dream Evil handled this really stupidly, since they are not a touring band or a career band, they should have sought out their label to do the visas for them. Oh well.


This is always the right attitude to have in situations like these. Blaming the promoter because a band cancels is childish and idiotic. But it's just as childish and idiotic (unless you're the promoter and lost money on them haha) to hate on a band you once loved just because of this.
Have you heard Don sing lately? No thanks.

Unfortunately I have. He was one of my favorite singers but now his voice is almost completly gone. He's now just a walking reminder of what can happen if you don't take care of your gift. It's sad. But this is a discussion for another post.
This is always the right attitude to have in situations like these. Blaming the promoter because a band cancels is childish and idiotic. But it's just as childish and idiotic (unless you're the promoter and lost money on them haha) to hate on a band you once loved just because of this.

I don't hate the band. Pissed off at the situation, sure. Dissappointed, Hell Yeah! But I'll always love the music. I know they weren't trying to purposly screw Glenn or the fans over. I'm sure it was something as simple as when the first chance to do the interview came up someone's kids were sick and the next time someone couldn't get the day off from work. Since they rarely travel they probably didn't realize what a pain in the ass coming to the US is. I know the saying "Life happens while you were busy making other plans." I'm as guilty of procrastinating on some things and having it come back to bite me in the ass as anyone else. But none of that changes the fact that this is completly their fault for not taking this seriously enough and making the proper effort.

Anyway, I'm still looking forward to seeing some great bands, hanging out with some friends I only get to see once a year and having another great time in Atlanta. See you all in less than a month!
andy, you know how big of a dream evil fan i am. i was sitting in that same store getting to hear all of these bands at age 10 and i fell in love with albums such as mandrake, nuclear fire, crimson thunder, and evilized! those bands changed me and evilized alone, inspired me to start my own band and follow in gus g's footsteps. i too was so crushed by this announcment. i was even more crushed by the replacement band but hey, what can ya do? at least we still have labyrinth, mob rules, and voyager! haha
andy, you know how big of a dream evil fan i am. i was sitting in that same store getting to hear all of these bands at age 10 and i fell in love with albums such as mandrake, nuclear fire, crimson thunder, and evilized! those bands changed me and evilized alone, inspired me to start my own band and follow in gus g's footsteps. i too was so crushed by this announcment. i was even more crushed by the replacement band but hey, what can ya do? at least we still have labyrinth, mob rules, and voyager! haha

Taylor, I'm also looking forward to Darkwater, While Heaven Wept (who I think has show stealer potential), Urban singing at the Bar-B-Q, the acoustic shows, shopping at the vendor tables, visiting The Varsity and most of all, hanging out with friends I only get to see once a year! We're still gonna make the most of this and have a great time anyway!

Also, you gotta give props to Forbidden. Even if they're not really your thing they deserve credit for coming in at the last minute like they did,
I know blaming the promoter is stupid and childish. The reason I brought this up is that people do and will always continue to do so. You see them on other boards bashing the promoter... then come on the fest board and praise the promoter. When I did the Heathen Crusade Metalfest.... It happend. No matter what.
I know blaming the promoter is stupid and childish. The reason I brought this up is that people do and will always continue to do so. You see them on other boards bashing the promoter... then come on the fest board and praise the promoter. When I did the Heathen Crusade Metalfest.... It happend. No matter what.

I'm not gonna get into the specifics, but there is a huge difference between an operation run by Glenn and one run by you, John. I think it should probably be left there.
I don't believe I've seen anyone blame Glenn here or on FB, so I don't know why that aspect is being debated in this forum.