Beyerdynamic m160 on vocals?


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria
Has anyone of you guys tried the m160 on vocals?
I'm really gasing for one for micing the guitarcab, since Lasses sounds give me a hard on, and for some reason I feel like it could work similar to the sm7b on vocals.

And if I could get away with it as my new vocal mic also I could justify spending the cash easier :lol:
I don't think it will give you similar results to the SM7b.
I don't have an M160 (yet, it's on my list ;)...) but I have five different ribbon mics and they share a common shortcoming for vocals. They have a very pronounced proximity effect. They are still interesting and usable for vocals but they tend to sound darker than most mics (I know the M160 is one of the brighter ribbon mics though). They are in fact hard to beat for that old school jazzy vocals sound, and can work for metal but not without an healthy
amount of post processing.
It's definitely not like an SM7.

I have had good results using it on airy female vocalists, but IMO it's still too dark to use for most male vocalists. An SM7 or Heil PR30 would be a better choice if you're in the early stages of building your mic collection.
Thanks for chiming in with your knowledge guys!

That's a bit of a bummer...I didn't expect it to sound like an sm7, but I hoped that it would kind of behave/go into the same direction, at least compared to how LDCs tend to go on vox.
I'm indeed in a very early stage of my mic collection, although I don't plan on expanding it a lot soon, as I have to rent to record drums anyway.
Sm7 is on my list obviously for vox mainly, not too much in love with it on the guitarcab from what I tried so far.
Maybe I recorded mostly bright vocalists so far, cause most of the time LDC didn't make it in a shootout against the sm7 (and that not only on harsh vox), so I figured there's a chance that the smoothness of an m160 would be a good try. Altho I get why you guys would say it tends to be TOO dark for that kind of stuff.

Well, seems there's no way around getting both an sm7 and the m160 sooner than I'd want to spend the cash :lol: