Vocal mic opinions what should i buy???


Aug 21, 2010
Portland, OR
So here i am looking upgrading my vocal mic and need some help. I currently own a Shure sm7b and a akg 3000b for vocals. I am very happy with the sm7b for aggressive vocals and some male singers. i would like to replace the 3000b because thats what i go to for most intimate and female vocals. I'm not lookin for a "all around" mic.

you guys have the best hears on the internet what am i lookin for???
get rid of the 3000 asap...sucks IMO.
if you're looking for a good LDC for female vox and clean singing I'd definitely try the AKG c414 for it )I'm using the XLII a lot).
it's extremely versatile, I'm also using it on cello, acoustic guits (they love that mic!), ride cymbals, toms etc...it's like the sm57 of condensors
get rid of the 3000 asap...sucks IMO.
if you're looking for a good LDC for female vox and clean singing I'd definitely try the AKG c414 for it )I'm using the XLII a lot).
it's extremely versatile, I'm also using it on cello, acoustic guits (they love that mic!), ride cymbals, toms etc...it's like the sm57 of condensors

Yep.. and reasonably priced too!
Yeah, +1 to Lasse's recommendation. C414's are really excellent microphones, and the XLII's have a lot of very handy switchable parameters to make them nice and versatile. I've seen them selling for as little as $800 US.

Sell the C3000b, get yourself a C414 XLII, and maybe pick up a nice preamp with the leftover cash. Golden Age make a great budget level tube pre that would suit an LDC. That said, there's nothing wrong with the Liquid channels on the Saffire 56, but you might find a real thing to add just that little bet extra quality to your signal chain.
Heads up on the C414XLII - if it's anything like my C414 TLIIs, it's going to be underwhelming on some female voices. I'd probably get the C414 BULS or XLS myself.

true, it's not awesome on high female voices that are thin and nasal (usually those "wannabe nightwish" singers that can't really sing that well but are trying it anyway->thin voice)
Yeah, +1 to Lasse's recommendation. C414's are really excellent microphones, and the XLII's have a lot of very handy switchable parameters to make them nice and versatile. I've seen them selling for as little as $800 US.

Sell the C3000b, get yourself a C414 XLII, and maybe pick up a nice preamp with the leftover cash. Golden Age make a great budget level tube pre that would suit an LDC. That said, there's nothing wrong with the Liquid channels on the Saffire 56, but you might find a real thing to add just that little bet extra quality to your signal chain.

Sounds like the 414 is the way to go now should i get the XLS or XLII???

I noticed the the saffire pre doesn't really excite the sm7b i have to run an external pre. But it sounds rad with 57s, D6s, and all my other dynamics. also the saffire powers my nt4 well. Is this commen or just making a noob mistake???