Beyerdynamic snare condensors


Jan 10, 2005
Ok, I've been looking into revamping my live recording rig that I use to record live bands at venues or their rehearsal spaces. I sold off everything except my PowerBook and am starting fresh.

My interface is going to be a MOTU 828mkII, a pair of OctoPre LE's (one with ADAT, the other will go line input into the 828), and that's it so far.

For mics, most of the time I use what the venues have. There are two venues that I work "through" that have good live mics, my main concern is when I go to record bands at their rehearsal spaces. I need mics that are "studio-quality" as well as suitable for live applications. I've already placed an order for the Sennheiser e604 3-pack and 2 additional e604's all for dedicated tom mics. Two pairs of RØDE NT5's, (hi-hat, ride, and the other two for OHL and OHR), an Audix D6 (in aluminum/nickel finish, sexy :)), and for the snare I have no clue so I haven't ordered anything yet for that use.

I've been looking to get something that's clip on, that way I have barely any stands, you should see some of these band's rehearsal spaces. The only things I can find are the AKG ones (hell no.), the Beyerdynamic Opus 87 or 88, and the Sennheiser e604 which somebody already said sounded like ass on a snare, so that's not happenin'. I'm really interested in the Beyerdynamic Opus 87 or 88 because they are condensor mics. I've always loved the sound(s) I can get out of snares when I use condensors on them for lighter stuff (rock a la Audioslave, pop music, country music...anything other than the heavier metal music that comes through here), but we don't have anything that I want to throw on the snare for the metal stuff. So that's where I'm at now, looking for a clip on snare mic, hopefully condensor.

Beyerdynamic Opus 87/88, or the Shure 98D/S, which is also a clip on condensor, but it looks mostly like a live mic, so I don't know how "studio-quality" it can get.

When I was doing the live recording thing full blown a while back I ended up just Drumagog'ing kicks and toms 100% anyway, but the snare always had 50/50 at the most of replacement. I'm hoping I'll be able to use the mic'ed tracks more this time around than having to Drumagog stuff.

So anyone have any knowledge of the Opus 87/88 from Beyerdynamic? As in, experience with it. You know the drill :p

Hmm...yes I saw the Audix drum pack on the same page of Sweetwater's catalog with the D-Vice things. I think I will go this route...just placed an order for a D-1 and a D-Vice through Sweetwater :D Hope this thing rocks, which I'm sure it will since you guys like it (I know you guys have ears :p).

DSS3 said:
Why not look at something like the Audix D-Vice, and put a standard 57 in it?

Because I'm sick of the SM57 on the snare. It's so mundane, session after session. I mean, sounds good...but jesus, for once I want to pick something else up out of the mic cabinet.

elephant-audio said:
Because I'm sick of the SM57 on the snare. It's so mundane, session after session. I mean, sounds good...but jesus, for once I want to pick something else up out of the mic cabinet.


D1 kills it. I'm sure you'll be happy. i5 is also better than the 57 on snare, but the D1 is better than the i5.
Well, it'll be here in 3 days, so I'm very anxious to try it! The 57 always sounds's just after using it nearly every single DAY for the past year and a half on snares...yuck.
