Bias chart


Senior Fuckers
Dec 9, 2005
In Italy

I found this table regarding Bias chart of el34s, but I don't Know what class is guitar amps and voltage...someone can help me?
Tachy said:
Ok but wath I can do to determinate the voltage for correct bias current?

You have to measure the plate current, it's a risky task, you can get electrocuted if you're not very trained.
Anyway on you can find the dragon guide with the exact voltage, but there isn't a guide for the cobra.
Send an email to them they will tell you for sure what's the right setting.

:cry: :cry: Thanks Maurizio, I'm a tech but I Know about transistors...tubes are not my apecialization...I get my diploma 10 years ago and at this time electronic is not in my head!