Biff and the Harley


if I remember correctly it was an Evo Electra Glide, saw an interview with Biff once in a german biker mag. But he also stated in the interview that he wants to sell it. He didn't explain why, though.
Cant quite remember now, but i think it was on the dogs of war tour saxon played redcar bowl uk, and biff pulled up on a big touring bike it might of been a harley but ive got some pics somewhere of biff with this bike ill try and drag em out for you people to see on the board.
I am old enough to remember a pic of Biff in Kerrang, way back in the early 80s, probably when it was a monthly mag, and he's on a Honda Goldwing or Silverwing or something. A "full dresser" as I recall, which means it has all the toys, apparently. I'll have to brave the depths of the loft one day and try and find it
Badlad said:
I am old enough to remember a pic of Biff in Kerrang, way back in the early 80s, probably when it was a monthly mag, and he's on a Honda Goldwing or Silverwing or something. A "full dresser" as I recall, which means it has all the toys, apparently. I'll have to brave the depths of the loft one day and try and find it
I remember the pic from Kerrang that Badlad is talking about. If I remember right, it has some Saxon logo's on it, the eagle etc.

that is a Gold Wing, but not the picture I remember from German Bikers News (the biker mag) where he is shown with his Electra Glide...I dunno if that pic is anywhere around.

Edit: I am talking here about "Forever Free" times.
well this is the one from this site anyway.
