Biff Confirmed New Album!!!

BassFerret said:
Hopefully, with a new album they'll be playing around the UK again - somewhere other than bloody London! I hate London. It's a bugger to get back to the last train, and costs a sodding fortune if you want to stay overnight. Overcrowded rat infested stinking ugly city. :zombie:QUOTE]

Well if you hate London so much don't f*****g come here. London is no different from any other major capital in the world. Just stick to your own poxy town and your farms and sheep.
Paxoman,when I came down there for the Astoria gig I was accosted by a beggar who wanted me to help him pay his parking ticket! At least up here the beggars will say 'got any spare change for food/alcohol/heroin' etc. Bleedin' cheek!
Paxoman - I don't go to London. That's what I meant.

Had I realised my obviously ill-timed rant was going to be so obviously offensive, I would not have posted it. It was only a personal opinion, to which we are all entitled.

However, I do apologise if the post caused offense.

Crusader said:
They've been to Sweden, but that was beforeI got interested in Saxon, and if they come here, I don't know if I would go alone...I have one friend that listened a little to Saxon, he likes them, but he don't live near me :waah:
sigh, now when i just chatted with him, it turned out he had listened to metalhead at some recordstore, and he didn't like it!!! :waah: :mad:
I qoute:
It isn't any class in their music
It isn't a melody in the songs.
It's to much "death metal" (DO YOU BELIEVE THAT?!)
They're too shouty.
"Ozzy" is the best.
I asked if he liked "mellow" metal...
like hard
but not Saxon's fulsome metalhead.

Ha! Do you belive it? He thinks Metalhead is TOO hard! :(

I guess he won't go with me now, sigh again, I can't go at all! :mad: fuck!
Of course I would have tried that, but he's not living near me

Though we need to tie a whole school's students in their chairs and play Metalhead and UTB at least 24 hours so that they can get the "J-Lo" crap out of their brainwashed heads! :rock: