Big hello from Swedens darkest forrests!

Jun 29, 2003

Im Ola, 25 years old from Sweden.
Listens to a a pretty wide area of metal.

Right now I´m into In Flames (has been since they started out haha) Well I listen to Children of Bodom and SKyfire pretty much also. Merauder...

A techfreak which works with it also, in sparetime Im a promotor for the band Blinded Colony (
Swedish melodic metal inspired by In Flames & Soilwork mainly. Signed to Scarlet Records and just got a license to be marketing in Japan and hopefully Nuclear Blast in USA.
Check it out!

I did also design If you like it maybe I can get you rmetalsite a "freshening up" ;)

Take care dudes!
Lady of the Oracle said:
Hey Ola, glad you found us! Welcome to UM! :)

Thank you! ;)

I just wonder, which are the favorite metalscene? The american, swedish, finnish or what?
Everyone answer this =)

Im curious! I like the swedish scene.. duh =)
Tell me...
Personally, I'm quite fond of the Finnish power metal scene, they have some great bands over there..we have some kickass progressive metal bands here in the US too though, so I like that scene as well. :)