Symphony PQ member Jan 8, 2002 9,253 80 48 53 Southampton, UK Mar 21, 2003 #1 There will be an important news item coming to the PQ website later today...stay tuned!
MadeInNewJersey nursing my wounds Apr 15, 2002 17,334 3 38 The Ridge Mar 21, 2003 #2 Ok, I'll guess...You're going to tell us that Power Quest has accepted the opening slot on the coming Iron Maiden world tour? Yes! How very righteous!
Ok, I'll guess...You're going to tell us that Power Quest has accepted the opening slot on the coming Iron Maiden world tour? Yes! How very righteous!
Symphony PQ member Jan 8, 2002 9,253 80 48 53 Southampton, UK Mar 21, 2003 #3 The news is now up! Good guess Markgugs.....if only!
Eagle Raging Heathen! Sep 10, 2002 1,900 4 38 Northern Shores Of The Humber Visit site Mar 21, 2003 #4 Great news about the new record deal. is this the website? What are the chances of you getting on the bill for the Gods thingy? Shame about Adam - but all the best of luck to the lad for his finals and I hope he returns soon.
Great news about the new record deal. is this the website? What are the chances of you getting on the bill for the Gods thingy? Shame about Adam - but all the best of luck to the lad for his finals and I hope he returns soon.
Symphony PQ member Jan 8, 2002 9,253 80 48 53 Southampton, UK Mar 21, 2003 #5 Yeah...that's the website Eagle. I think we are just too late for the Gods this year though. Yeah 'tis indeed a shame about Adam but we fully understand that he needs to devote his full attention to his studies at this point.
Yeah...that's the website Eagle. I think we are just too late for the Gods this year though. Yeah 'tis indeed a shame about Adam but we fully understand that he needs to devote his full attention to his studies at this point.
A Andi Member Dec 3, 2002 291 0 16 England Mar 21, 2003 #6 Nice one on the new deal, I hope it works ok well for you guys