big power interference problem...

May 30, 2007

i've got a problem...

it's a little hard to describe for me since i'm german and some words of electric knowledge are missing but i will try to do my best.

here we go:

theres sonic interfering in our studio power network caused by a cnc (rotating computer controlled cutting device) machine. this cnc device is on the other side of the building (big building but, as it seams, not big enough) and sends 5khz, 10khz and 15khz into every unit that is plugged into the power sockets. which means: amplifiers, computer, interfaces, console, speakers, even some lamps...

so theres no recording possible if the cnc thing is working. i think this is caused by something called "drehstrom" (maybe rotating current) because the cutting head rotates at 5khz and sends it somehow back into the powernetwork of the whole building.

the major problem is, that no one but us cares about the cnc thing since we're the only ones who have a problem with these interference. the cnc-guy already installed some filters and it has gotten better but its still there and it has to be turned of or something.

i cant sue him out of the building, no way, cause he is related to the owner of the building. otherwise i would give it a try...

so i reached a point where i think that i have to try my best to isolate my powernetwork form the interference. i heard that it should be possible to denoise my network somehow.

anyone knows something about denoising a power network or to get an independent filter, something like a di box for power :lol:

naaa... actually its not funny at all.

thanks for listening...
Hmm, I'm curious about this as well, not because it's relevant to me right now, but I can see how it might be in the future! A good power conditioner and some isolation transformers would help, I think, but still, I'm not sure if that'd take care of it.

i ordered a "netzdrossel" (line filter) (the 46ampers version)

this filter is basically the same as a lowpass filter for a powernetwork. it filter starts at 62hz, so it leaves everything trough from 0-62hz. since power is about 50hz (in germany) the rest of frequencies delivered through the power line are not needed, basically bad power.

this filter is about 270euro (incl shipping, taxes and stuff)

in theory this should work. but everything can also be delivered through the air by electromagnetic waves. this would mean i'm pretty f00ked...

but i have to give it a shot.

i'll post a ressult after i installed the unit and tested it hardcore style...