"Big rock" mix-test!


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
Something more rock-orientated rather than metal, started jamming with a bassist friend on some stuff and I'm really digging it, especially from a production perspective, because "heaviness" isn't the goal so it's a much more organic writing/recording/mixing process.

Anyway, here's an intro to a song we've started on, let me know your thoughts!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4128689/GTBH/GTBH 2.mp3

EDIT: Extended the track a bit with new parts - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4128689/GTBH/GTBH new.mp3
mattayus! that sounds BIG man!! specially i like the guitar tone but rest is well glued.:) stoked to listen to a full song.
I'm loving the bass and guitar tones. What'd you use? Real or sims? If they're fake, they sound really good! Is this in drop-D?