Big TEMPLE OF BLOOD announcement (power/thrash/speed metal)


Active Member
Dec 31, 2008
I am proud to announce the finalized lineup for our 3rd album, to be titled "A Show of Force":

Jim Mullis - lead vocals
Matt Barnes - rhythm/lead guitar
Lance Wright - drums

and our newest members:
Kelly Conlon - bass (ex-DEATH, ex-MONSTROSITY, FIRES OF BABYLON, etc.)
Andre Corbin - lead guitar (ex-HELSTAR)

I am VERY excited about having the opportunity to play with such incredible musicians. I am a huge fan of their previous bands and this is really an honor for me personally. I really think the combination of strong songs, our best lineup yet, and a better mix/production will yield our finest effort to date. This is our heaviest and most technical material we have recorded and I think it is also our best. I spent two years singing in a local cover band and I can't wait to get in the studio and sing over these new songs! We are incorporating blast beats at times where it makes sense and we really want to distinguish ourselves from the retro-thrash pack by playing in a unique style.

some tentative song titles:
"Greater than Death"
"A Show of Force"
"The Advocate and the Accuser"
"Curse of Black Hearts"

We are also planning on recording a cover version of the SANCTUARY classic "Battle Angels".

Due to band members prior recording commitments with other bands, we are planning for an early 2012 release.

We wish to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has supported us in the past and we hope to win over some new fans with our latest offering.