Big Weekend of Metal


Youth Attack!
May 19, 2002
Melbourne Metal Music Presents
Infernal Method
Friday 28th March
The Arthouse
Over 18's Event
From 8:30pm
Infernal Method
Bowel Mouth
Saturday 29th March
The Arthouse
Under 18's Event
Doors Open 1pm
Blood Duster
Infernal Method
Bowel Mouth
Saturday 29th March
Preston Town Hall (Corner of Gower Street, Preston)
Under 18's Event
$10 or $8 with Pass
Doors Open 6:30pm
i'll be at the Preston one

you expecting many people for that one?

also, any news on what Legion is like? or am i just gonna have to wait.
hopefully should be a good turnout
sorry i dunno what legion are like

and chow there aint really any "all ages" gigs in melb
its either 18+ or 18- the only place that can have all ages is EV's in croyden its the states only licensed all ages venue
if u catch my drift
Under 18's gigs usually happen at licensed venues which have been delicensed for the gig, and because of the damn law over 18's can't get in for some reason. Not sure what difference it'd make really... but anyway, since the gig with Duster is at the Preston Town Hall I would've thought it'd be all ages since it's not a licensed venue (I assume? hehe) and therefore have no age restrictions applying to it?
im not entirly sure id have to check
but i can imagine that they wont be inforcing age restrictions anyway :D
I used to go to all-age gigs at the HiFi Bar (Wall St) and Corner Hotel in the mid 1990s. Has the situation changed since then?
indeed it has
all ages gigs are kinda far and few between, well the quality ones
lack of venues and support really
A mate and I are going to the Friday gig, as I've probably already stated...

And I bet we walk right past each other, not knowing who we really are.... weird.
Well, what did you think? I probably would have ejoyed Infernal Method a bit more if I was actually familiar with the music... and the mix was a bit strange. Up the front you couldn't hear the vocals at all...

Personally, and although I'm not really a death metal fan, I thought Embodied were the highlight of the night. I thought they were great.
DravenMist said:
Blood Duster were ok...they're funny etc etc, but i can't really get into them as much as most other people do, they don't interest me as much

Yeah I'm starting to go that way myself. Maybe I've grown out of them? :D Still like 'em, but for mine they for better when they were taking themselves a little less seriously than they seem to these days. Nothing wrong with that though. If it means they get bigger than they already are and infiltrate the mainstream, that would fucking rule. :headbang:
yeh infernals sound was pretty average on friday nite
they were a touch rusty too on friday nite (or so they said)
saturday during the day was a solid performance, with an improvement on the sound.
and saturday nite was really good considering the hall situation.

ill post a big weekend review on the site asap
I was referring to the Friday gig too.. sorry, I should have indicated.

I thought the other bands sounded quite good, and musically Infernal sounded ok, but like I said, up the very front of the stage the vocals were inaudible. I could see the vocalist jumping around, screaming his head off, but I couldn't hear anything! When I moved back a bit I could make them out, although they were still fairly low in the mix.

I was disappointed, cause Clarky said the vocalist was really good, but I couldn't really tell because of the sound.