Bill Hicks


Nov 19, 2001
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i was listening to Rant in E minor today, and without question Bill Hicks is not only one of the funniest comedians ever, but he was one of the few sane people out there. I know there has got to be some comedy fans out there. What are everyones fave comedy albums?
Denis Leary - No Cure For Cancer is my favorite.

But yeah, Bill Hicks fuckin' rocked. I love Arizona Bay.
I love Denis Leary, but man he literally stole half of Bill Hicks material. Im sure he is rolling over in his grave.
Bill Hicks is THE most funny man EvaR. I bought the DVD a few months back. Yeah, it is awesome, as expected. You could almost see the contempt in his face for the audience, lol. He also made plenty of sense.
Yeah ive been meaning to see that DVD. Its a damn fucking shame how no one knows who the fuck the guy is. Fucking pathetic humorless country that thinks Friends and Jay Fucking Leno is funny.
I always liked Bill Hicks. I thought he had a real sharp wit and a unique style. I find it interesting how he seems to have gained not only a greater level of popularity, but also a greater sense of importance, than he ever enjoyed while alive.

Early Eddie Murphy and anything by George Carlin before 1995 (when he stopped being funny, and started being bitter) is hard to beat.

speed said:
I love Denis Leary, but man he literally stole half of Bill Hicks material. Im sure he is rolling over in his grave.
Really? I'm only real familiar with Arizona Bay, but I don't see Leary ripping him off too bad. I mean they both have the NYC cynicism and general "fuck these assholes" attitude, but other than that they are pretty unique. It isn't like listening to Eddie Murphy Raw then watching a Richard Pryor routine.

That reminds me. Richard Pryor. God DAMN he was one funny dude.
I was talking to a friend who is a fanatic Bill Hicks fan, and he mentioned No Cure for Cancer gives a writing and original material credit to Bill Hicks and sure enough it says so on IMDB. Thus, Leary used much of HIcks material in No Cure for Cancer--which I love. NAD, i love LEary, but I am aware that he did ripoff some material, and what comedian hasnt?
Cool, thanks. And yeah, just by making someone laugh you're borrowing something from someone. :cool:
hicks did all the smoking stuff well before leary
I like both but hicks was unmatchable
he'd soften the audience up with humor and then go on a rant about government or whatever, because they'd be waiting for a punchline they'd take it all in

he was a brave fucker too

I think he may have had a couple of redneck beatings after shows
Nocturnal Silence said:
Bill Hicks was amazing. The funniest comedian ever.
yup :cool:

none of those other bitter,angry comics can get to me the same way bill can.

the DVD is a must have

.. and mitch hedberg is another favorite

(and here's tom with the weather....)
I fucking missed Hedberg and Stephen Lynch a week ago when they were in Oakdale. Needless to say, I was pissed. I ALSO missed George Clinton and P-Funk two nights ago. Argh I gotta check the papers more often.