Bill Hicks - Totally Bill Hicks (DVD)

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Bill Hicks - Totally Bill Hicks
VCI - VCD0162 - 2002
By Paddy Walsh


Bill Hicks. Just try and name someone else - be they in rock, metal, or whatever - that encapsulates the whole ethic of what makes our preferred genre of music so great and dangerous. A better example you will not find. Never mind the fact that he wasn't even a musician per se but a stand up comedian; this man stayed true to what he believed in, right to the end, despite his growing mainstream popularity and media interest. He never wimped out, sold himself out, or went where the cash was. On the contrary, prior to his tragic death of cancer in 1994 his shows became increasingly visceral, bitter, and acidic. A man close to death, knowing of his impending fate and realising that he didn't have much time to get his message across to the masses. Totally Bill Hicks is a document of his last ever live performance, as well a fitting tribute in the form of a documentary about life called 'It's Just A Ride'.

For the uninitiated, Bill Hicks is a free spirit's wet dream. The man oozes wit and humour, all the while commanding a general aura of sincerity that is sorely missing from most comedian's repertoires. The show itself, entitled 'Revelations', is just that; the philosophies of a man delivered with passion, vigour and a biting wit that is impossible not to chuckle at. Perhaps what separates Bill Hicks from the rest is his refusal to ever balk at offending anyone, be they Christians, conservatives, pro-lifers, the military or the government. Anyone. Laugh at the power of his more crude moments you will, but the underlying messages will leave you no option but to think, in exactly the same way as a great writer, poet or musician. Bill Hicks spent his life crusading against everything he saw wrong with America and the world, and I could spend all day here typing his more inspired moments in quotations. But I won't. Just buy this, and let yourself go. Not for the faint of heart. Or should that be the opposite? It is those who are easily offended that should be the first to watch this, Bill Hicks wants you!

The show is absolutely faultless, and the documentary is a fitting tribute to one of the few spokespersons of actual true, no holds barred liberalism that ever walked the earth. Current events around the world have proven everything he said to be true, and his message is even more relevant today than it was 10 years ago. Essential.

What alex said...The man knew no boundaries and was absolutely brilliant. It's to bad that he isn't alive today, he would have so much matieral with the current administration
i agree, though i need to hear more of his stuff. i'd like to think that David Cross' stand up is continuing from where Hicks left off in some ways.
Bill was a man before his time, he smelt the bullshit and called people out on it. He said alot about the times then AND what was coming! Very inciteful.Could see the future.And is just fucking funny. You could forget about the poltics and listen to him and laugh your ass off. But before he was done with you he made you put on your "thinking cap" and gave some food for thought. Michiel Moore and David Cross pick up were he left off. If he were still alive today he would be huge. Fuck, it sucks he is dead. I miss him but at least we have his cd's and dvd's to help remember him. One of a kind.
i fucking love hicks man, a visionary.
check out doug stanhope for some controversial material as well, he's pretty cool, but no one will ever match hicks in charisma, attitude and message.
Hicks was a genius. no one told it like Bill did.. a true prophet.. and yes im a conspiracy theorist where his untimely deaths concerned.... sadly fucking missed.. if only he were still around in todays political climate to cut through some of the bullshit.. R.I.P
conspiracy theory over Bill's Death? what did Denis Leary give him a posioned cigarette? No... he wouldn't do that, needed him alive so he could plagorise his material some more. Sure after Bill died he was the first to rummage through his garbage to see if he had anything that he threw out that was not good enough for Bill to use.. which is probably how he got his material to start with. Anyways, I do not see how one could come up with a conspiracy for being a heavy smoker and dying of a condition that was directly related to smoking.

Anyways, Bill Hicks is amongst my favorites. I hesitate to refer to him as a comedian, I put him in the social commentator catagory, the humor was only used to break up the tension of just doing what he did, the humor was secondary to the commentary on society. To me a comedian is somebody who just tells joke, be it a Dane Cook or other one dimensional hacks like him, but to open peoples eyes and attempt to challenge the beliefs with we have been conditioned to believe via media, and various institutions in the way he did makes him so much more. Same goes for people like George Carlin, Lenny Bruce and ones like them. Refering to them as strict comedians is like refering to John Lennon as a strict musicians, their influence reaches much futher than just the occupation they get associated with.

Bill was a genious, and he had what many do not anymore, integrity. His commitment to himself, his art and his beliefs never changed, and he always stayed true to them. He was a no bullshit type who never gave in, and fought back when he needed to. His performances were edgy and dangerous.

Bill is missed, but I do not think people should resort to saying they wish he was still around to sort through the bullshit (I see this with Carlin as well)... I think the lesson was to think for yourself and that if you change the way you think and realise that you have the power to change things with your words and challenge the beliefs of those around you, you too can do the same thing. There are many people like Bill Hicks out there, who do what he does.. Bill was not a superhuman, he was just an every day person who got lucky and was able to do what he did.

Anyways, have not seen the DVD in question to comment on my thoughts on it, but will look out for it and check it out. Cheers for this thread.