bill steer?

He's a very nice guy and I have always loved Carcass. Listening to "Heartwork" right now.

His rhythm parts are creative and his solos are melodic, so what more can you ask? As I said already he is a nice guy, a bit quiet but there is nothing wrong with that! He loaned me his Marshall cab when I was in England recording the first Disincarnate album and I used it for the whole thing. Thanks again Bill!

"From the persistence of noise comes the insistence of rage. From the emergence of tone comes the divergence of thought. From the enlightenment of music comes the wisdom of... silence." ~Unknown
I think Bill is great, and really made carcass a better band. I mean DTI just rips, as does heartwork. before that, Carcass was fun, but way to sludgey and grind-y for me....
Originally posted by TestamentNut
have you ever considered getting in contact with bill and working with him again?
Well, I never really worked with Bill Steer before, he just loaned me his guitar cab so that I could record "Dreams of the Carrion Kind". In fact, I think we paid him a rental fee, just as a courtesy. I'm sure he would have loaned it anyway. I would definitely work with him if the oppurtunity arose, and I was well enough to do that much (considering that I'm trying to write a new Disincarnate CD at the moment). I'm lucky to be able to play right now! Thanks for asking though.

"Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed they create our courage and our wisdom. It is only because of problems that we grow. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to dread but actually welcome problems." ~M. Scott Peck~
hi james, it good to know that u are doing well nowadays.. i have been following ur works since the testament era, n i would not have play lead guitar without u. thanxs a lot! anyway it would be fucing killer if u n bill were to do the disincarnate new album. both of u are major influence to me! what guitar n gear are u using currently?? i would like to know, thanxs!!
hi chromatose, since james is not available to comment on the gear n stuff... we just talk bout our own gear! hehe! basically my setup is very basic n simple... reason is aso because i am a poor musician! hahah! i am using 2 guitars, a jackson concept series with emg 81's, a ibanez rg series with stock pickups (no money to change emgs!), a korg A4 with a sansamp gt2. thats bout it.. love my sansamp cos its a compact yet very versatile stompbox. only trust my sansamp for recordings.... wat bout yours? thanxs for reading this thread!
firebird is just an extension of bills playing. its just like james when he stared playing stuff other then death metal. thats why people listen to so much stuff, you can't lock yourself into one style. its limiting. i mean i for one never thought i would listen to anything other the death metal. now i listen to all sorts of music. too many styles to list. but just watch my now playing and you will see some of the stuff i listen too. hhaha
Yeah diversity is a step towards the divine awareness of what makes up music. I know as a crappy musician, listening to a wide array of genres of music or just simple soundscapes, can help you better understand and learn of countless tones. it can help your playing out too. We have this cable television add-on tier where I live that has about 45 channels (not videos) of just music. all kinds. alot of it is terrible stuff, but even the ones I don't listen to regularly, I can sometimes find a element of what I do like in it. The past year 's radio music program has been amazing to hear and it's a new gem and highly suggested...especially for couples :}
