Bill & Ted- Wyld Stallyns Rule- Will Metal bring about peace and happiness to all?


Nov 19, 2001
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I was rewatching this great movie- ( Keanu Reeve's best perfomance by far)- and was wondering can metal save the world? If this question sounds absurd now- just remember that 13 years ago such an idea was not so absurd- metal was popular- the movie made the point that superb musicianmanship could somehow create peace on earth. It's sad to see how much a most triumphant form of music could have fallen to such low St Anger standards.

Dudes, the sequel was most excellent as well.
All I know is, sometime before I die, I wanna see an entire career-spanning Keanu Reeves bobblehead collection. The only one I've seen so far is a 'Ted' bobblehead. What's up with that!? I mean, c'mon, imagine how cool a 'Neo' bobblehead would look. And not just one Neo bobblehead, but one for EACH Matrix movie. I want to see every character he's ever played as a bobblehead. Kevin from 'Devil's Advocate', Johnny Utah from 'Point Break', whatever the fuck his name was in 'Speed', the list goes on and on.
I want an illuminated showcase in my house full of Keanu bobbleheads.
Is that so wrong? :loco: