Bill Ward

Sounds to me as if he's afraid that the major music retailers in the US will cease to stock the Sabbath records. It happens here all of the time.

Say something that the mainstream dislikes, and may threaten boycott over, and you're product is sunk.
So, he made this statement....saving face without sacrificing the intent of the BAND'S backing screens.
SoundMaster said:
Sounds to me as if he's afraid that the major music retailers in the US will cease to stock the Sabbath records. It happens here all of the time.
I don't know if that's the case. I think Metal fans aren't the stupid morons that the general public thinks they/we are. I think it's great that he's made a statement that he doesn't compare the current president of the states to a Hitler. I don't get the comparison. There is not any type of "ethnic cleansing" going on there at all. I think he made a intelligent, brief & non biased statement.
I think he's just expressing his opinion. Who needs expicit political statements at rock concerts. Politics like religion should a personal matter.

When I go to a concert don't want no political propaganda BS!
Thats my opinion. Take it or leave it.
I'm fine with politics/views mixing with the rock world.

Art imitates life. So, it's only logical that politics/religion/current events makes regular appearances in music.

ps....the Bush:Hitler comparisons are a little off base, for sure.
But, there's no denying the fact that Bush is probably the least liked
president in American history.

Of course, in the ironic US, he'll win re-election in a landslide.
The election is over before it even begins!
Hawk said:
I think he's just expressing his opinion. Who needs expicit political statements at rock concerts. Politics like religion should a personal matter.

When I go to a concert don't want no political propaganda BS!
Thats my opinion. Take it or leave it.
That's my feeling, it's an escape from what's going on in the world, in your town & in your neighborhood...
Well put Hawk.
I personally thought it was Funny when I saw it ..... But it did make me wonder .... I mean shit I'm sure that that was all sharons doing ... and it did make me wonder about what the Rest of the guys in Sabbath thought about it .... it is a pretty strong statement .... Do I think Bush is a P.O.S.? yeah I do, A murderer? No just a Moron .....
As much as I dislike the guy, I thought maybe the screens were a bit too much. They didn't have to make it so blatant... It would've worked a lot better and tasteful putting it more subtly... But all in all, it didn't bother me much at all.
SoundMaster said:
Sounds to me as if he's afraid that the major music retailers in the US will cease to stock the Sabbath records. It happens here all of the time.

Say something that the mainstream dislikes, and may threaten boycott over, and you're product is sunk.
So, he made this statement....saving face without sacrificing the intent of the BAND'S backing screens.

I think Bill Ward has been around long enough to speak his mind without worrying about pissing off the mainstream - and any retailers that STOP stocking Sabbath stuff if Sabbath DID piss them off would be idiots - nobody is going to stop buying their music over something like that...

I'm just glad he has the balls to step up and say something like that - it's not exactly popular to be a Bush supporter sometimes...
Everyone is entitled to their opinion - but comparing Bush to someone who killed over 6 million people because of their RELIGION? That's a bit of a stretch...and on top of that - a lot of the people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq were BAD people...but let's not get political about this - SABBATH KICKED MAJOR ASS AT OZZFEST!!!
USMC0341 said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion - but comparing Bush to someone who killed over 6 million people because of their RELIGION? That's a bit of a stretch...and on top of that - a lot of the people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq were BAD people...but let's not get political about this - SABBATH KICKED MAJOR ASS AT OZZFEST!!!
This was probably Sharon's idea I'm sure...:yuk:
sixxswine said:
This was probably Sharon's idea I'm sure...:yuk:

Maybe, maybe not. Though Sharon Osborne controls the Ozzfest completely, that whole Bush/Hitler thing doesn't sound like anything that would come form her mind. And also, weren't she and Ozzy once guests at a banquet with Bush? :confused:
Hawk said:
When I go to a concert don't want no political propaganda BS!
Thats my opinion. Take it or leave it.
I take it and support it! I always defend the fact that metal is about metal. If I want politics, religious preaching, economics, sports or whatever I turn on CNN, my local newspaper or some internet service.

No matter how political 'War Pigs' was at the time, or how somebody in the Sabbath camp feels nowdays, playing that video is dangerous for the band, the reputation of metal as a serious movement, and Ozzy being invited to the White House again :lol: I support Bill Ward to clean his hands from the whole thing.

Thre's freedom of speech and freedom of speech, but we must know to use the right time for one and the other ;)
SoundMaster said:
Sounds to me as if he's afraid that the major music retailers in the US will cease to stock the Sabbath records. It happens here all of the time.

Say something that the mainstream dislikes, and may threaten boycott over, and you're product is sunk.
So, he made this statement....saving face without sacrificing the intent of the BAND'S backing screens.

I think you make a good point insofar as certain retailers i.e. Walmart and the like have taken steps to protect themselves and their consumers from being associated with certain political/sexual sentiments.

However as far as the "mainstream" disliking it, that's reaching....the mainstream seems to follow the liberally landscaped media and they would be all over a pic of the President being associated with Hitler and loving it!

If anything, Mr. Ward should just go along with the hollywood crowd as it might help to extend his life in the entertainment industry in general.
I feel like if you want to make poilitical statements then that is your choice. More power to you, but comparing the President of the United States to Adolf Hitler is taking ittoo far. That is not politics no matter how you personally feel about Bush. He is a symbol of the great nation of America as The President. I completely disagree with the war he has waged in Iraq, but to compare that to what Hitler did is completely ludicrous.

kitty6505 said:
I think you make a good point insofar as certain retailers i.e. Walmart and the like have taken steps to protect themselves and their consumers from being associated with certain political/sexual sentiments.

However as far as the "mainstream" disliking it, that's reaching....the mainstream seems to follow the liberally landscaped media and they would be all over a pic of the President being associated with Hitler and loving it!

If anything, Mr. Ward should just go along with the hollywood crowd as it might help to extend his life in the entertainment industry in general.

I meant that fans will buy it, regardless of what the meinstream media says...I don't take their opinion into account when I buy CDs...and I have to believe most metal fans don't either...
kitty6505 said:
I think you make a good point insofar as certain retailers i.e. Walmart and the like have taken steps to protect themselves and their consumers from being associated with certain political/sexual sentiments.

I think it's less of Walmart "protecting themselves and their consumers" than it is simpyl Walmart pandering to the majority of their customers.
Contrary to popular opinion, present-day American is a mostly conservative state (with exceptions being a handfull - but not all - of major metropolitan areas).

As to whether or not the 'powers that be' at Walmart actually agree or disagree with sexual content in lyrics is unimportant.
If the majority of their customers put enough pre$$ure on them to remove product that they deem "innappropriate", Wal Mart, seeking to appease the 'bottom line' will act without question.

Question: do you honestly still believe that American media is largely liberal?
I used to think so until the war started. Through my satellite dish, I began watching foreign news networks such as Britain's BBC and Canada's International Newsfirst and began realizing that our media is anything but.
I entire new perspective and side of the stort is revealed through these networks.
American media, being corporate owned (ie: in line with certain view$) tend to tell us very little of truth.
USMC0341 said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion - but comparing Bush to someone who killed over 6 million people because of their RELIGION?
Just a quick note, also 2 M gypsies, plus communists, homosexuals, mentally ill people, and any other type or character who opposed his "aryan idea". I'm glad people remember the Jewish Holocaust but also I want the world to remember the magnitude of the Nazi genocide in all aspects...because after Rwanda and Bosnia I have seen that the world have a very short memory :erk:

I lived under Bush, I saw Sept.11 and I saw Iraq. Whatever the outcome history will judge George on his own defects/merits, comparisons to anyone are unnecessary (and unwelcome at a music festival IMO).

Like 341 said, no more politics! Onward to metal:headbang: