Biomechanical banner


Sep 7, 2005
I really like Existenz' new sig banner, but I would like to see one in a standardized size to put it on my site. I got a pretty lame one which I copied from this forum's header and resized it. Anyone got a cool Biomech banner in the size 468x60?
Metal-R-US said:
I really like Existenz' new sig banner, but I would like to see one in a standardized size to put it on my site. I got a pretty lame one which I copied from this forum's header and resized it. Anyone got a cool Biomech banner in the size 468x60?

I'll see if I can come up with something:)
I suck at graphics, I'm very fortunate to have some great artists on my own site. Only thing I can do is cut and paste... ;)
Nevermind Cut & Paste you can still make cool banners. ;)

Existenz banner is way cool :cool:

I make my own and for a few other bands, but it's mostly for fun. My sig is an example of one that I did :Saint:
Metal-R-US said:
I really like Existenz' new sig banner, but I would like to see one in a standardized size to put it on my site. I got a pretty lame one which I copied from this forum's header and resized it. Anyone got a cool Biomech banner in the size 468x60?

Here is the banner I've got on my signature(I didn't do the banner BTW:) )
it's 468 x 62
Right Click and 'save as...':
