Biomechanical Live @ Fopp Store!


Nov 12, 2004
:) A chance to see Biomechanical for free:)

Monday 30th April 7pm Biomechanical will be playing live @ Fopps store in Tottenham Court Road (London)!:headbang:

220-224 Tottenham Court Road

* Entry will be with a Fopp wristband only, available from the store on the day from 9am. One pair of wristbands per customer maximum, whilst they last. Wristbands will only be available from the stores where the band are performing. (added 24/04/07)

Added Info
UK metalheads Biomechanical will team up with fast rising thrashers Evile for a free show at Fopp Records flagship London store in Tottenham Court Road on April 30.
Entry to the event, while free, is strictly limited on a first-come first-served basis, and will kick off at 7pm at the store, at 220 - 224 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PZ (0207 299 1640).

Each band will play a special set. Biomechanical are fresh off their support tour with 3 Inches of Blood and now working on their new opus 'Cannibalised', while Evile are preparing to record their debut album 'Ente the Grave' with producer Flemming Rasmussen.
Fans are encouraged to get to the store early to catch these special sets. More details on Fopp's Tottenham Court Road store can be found HERE

Will other bands be playing or just Biomechanical? Also, what time is it likely to finish?

Hi Daru_Jericho

I don't know all the details yet, but I think the set will be around 40mins to an hour. As soon as I get anymore info on the evening I'll post it here:)
Evile also appear to be playing at FOPP that night.
EVILE website
Click on "Gigs"

Where will the bands set up? I've been in that shop and it's crowded with just merchandise racks and shoppers. What is it going to be like with metal bands (Fucking good ones at that!) and a load of metalheads?

I shall be there for my 2 favourite up and coming metal bands in the same place. For free! Almost makes up for missing the 3IOB date in MK.


This was on the Earache site
UK metalheads Biomechanical will team up with fast rising thrashers Evile for a free show at Fopp Records flagship London store in Tottenham Court Road on April 30.
Entry to the event, while free, is strictly limited on a first-come first-served basis, and will kick off at 7pm at the store, at 220 - 224 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PZ (0207 299 1640).

Each band will play a special set. Biomechanical are fresh off their support tour with 3 Inches of Blood and now working on their new opus 'Cannibalised', while Evile are preparing to record their debut album 'Ente the Grave' with producer Flemming Rasmussen.
Fans are encouraged to get to the store early to catch these special sets. More details on Fopp's Tottenham Court Road store can be found HERE
And thanks for posting the Fopp links.

I'm glad I clicked on them. I had the Shaftsbury Avenue store in my head. I would have been wondering where the hell everyone was.:cry:
Got this from the Fopp's site, you need to get a wrist band from the store.

Live In-store Performance - London
dates: Mon, 30 April 2007
time: 19:00pm
store: London - Tottenham Court Road

* Entry will be with a Fopp wristband only, available from the store on the day from 9am. One pair of wristbands per customer maximum, whilst they last. Wristbands will only be available from the stores where the band are performing.
That's pretty good though, means you can get there much earlier, probably not need to queue, then swan in later on. Nice!