

Hero In A Dream
Oct 15, 2002
The End
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I was referred to this forum for obtaining an Biomechanical mp3's..? I tried to download the free ones from their site, but my ActiveX controls are screwed... Anyways, I would really appreciate anyone who could spare the time to send me any of their mp3's. From what I can tell from the music playing in the flash of the site, they seem pretty interesting.

Anyways, if you can help, thanks :) , if you can't, no worries, thanks anyway.
Well, I would give you dsm's ftp address, but I guess that is his job, so you can wait until Dead6Skin6Mask6 answers this thread or you can PM him.
Thank you, for that. And if I do like it, you can bet I'll be buying the CD. I'm kind of out-of-date with the technology... I don't have a CD burner. Heh, so none of my CDs are burnt.