Birds shagging?!?!?!?!?!?

little miss messiah

Living my life. Everyday
Apr 18, 2001
between a rock & a hard place
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Sorry to dissapoint if anyones expecting a porn thread, but this has been bugging me for MONTHS...

Do birds (of similar sizes) shag across breeds?

Its just that dogs do and they r domesticated, if i was free as a ird i'd b at it all the time.

But you dont seem to see chicken/pigeons, or raven/ducks.

Hmmmm good question there - I have no bloody idea!

I've always fancied the idea of trying to cross breed a St.Bernard and a sausage dog, but I doubt it could be done unless you were to hold the sausage dog in position. A ruddy duck mixed with a wood pigeon would also be very cool - they'd be able to play with my St.Sausage in my ideal garden along with Sloths, horseshoe bats and other animals I love...

Jesus I have too much time sometimes, but interbreeding rocks! :)
apparently the best way to shag a sheep is to back it into a corner and it will back itself onto you also if you wear wellies miles too big you put its legs in your wellies it stops it from running

read that in viz
A few weeks back there was a story in the papers about a Farmer who was caught Shagging a Goat.

He was in a field by the side of a railway track and a train was going by and broke down next to where he and the goat were performing!

He was done for it and banned from keep animals for 3 years.

Think his name was Mr T Machin or somin'.;)
I think this might help Raven1

hope it worked:lol: :lol:
No - All dogs share the same genus - "Canis", much like cats are all "Felidae". These examples are all "Mammalia", their class. Interbreeding is restricted to Genus, not Class, due to massive variation of Genes.

Birds are a whole sub-class of fauna, "Aves" with many genus, each of which is quite specific, with but a few genotypes in each.

Hope that explains it. :)