Man, that was fucked up. First off, his slap wasn't even reactionary. He like waited until she wasn't expecting it. And he slapped her way too hard. Fuck that cop! If that was my mom or something, I'de stab that fuck, no matter the consequences.

Nah. You could tell by his face he was weighing it up in his mind: "Should I really hit a woman? Probably not, but she is acting like a cunt..."

I don't think I'd have done the same, but only because I'm a pussy! :lol:
If i got slapped by someone(Even an old lady.), i would definitely slap back twice as hard for showing me such disrespect.
BUT being a police officer, and waiting it out and really taking a huge whack at her head was just retarded.

Still lol:ed at it though.
But I don't think the waiting it out part was him intentionally trying to catch her off guard, more going through the internal debate of whether he should (and simmering with rage as she kept running her mouth after, which finally made him snap)
he shouldnt have waitet so long for "revenge-slap".
but that way it was education i guess^^

btw: i read something about "saopaolo" and "polijits"...can it be that its portuguese?
sounds more like russian too me tought
btw: i read something about "saopaolo" and "polijits"...can it be that its portuguese?
sounds more like russian too me tought

Nope. If so it would be "São Paulo" and "Polícia". Don´t know what language they´re talking, but it´s definetely not portuguese nor anything barely similar. And if you ever slap a police officer around here you´re likely getting whacked a thousand times harder than that :lol:
He doesn't seem very self confident.
If he really touched her before the scene, the bitch's slap was okay and his one wasn't.
If she's a dick and talking shit then his backslap is the only right way to handle it, though :D
Shouldn't hit a guy with glasses!

Or you'll get bitch-slapped.

