bittersweet realizations for a Friday morning


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
after taking up jogging this week in the mornings before work, I must declare that fuckin' a - exercise *hurts*
especially when you never do it

and taking my border collie running didn't tire him at all. the more exercise we give him, the more we try to wear him out, the more I fear we are creating a super-dog. when he gets mopey and sleepy at 9pm and we poke him awake, he does not make the connection that we need him to stay up so he won't spring up at 4am demanding attention. doesn't work. probably never will.

and most sad of all, I have realized and accepted that my hairline is indeed receding and it's probably time for me to shave my head again and probably stick with a very close-cropped cut forevermore so I don't look retarded. er, I mean it's time for a summer haircut. yeah, that's it.
I went jogging like two weeks ago and then for the next three days I walked like I got fucked in the ass by a mexican.
I haven't jogged since.

Also, I have about 2-3 more years on my hairline before I do the same thing.
azal said:
I went jogging like two weeks ago and then for the next three days I walked like I got fucked in the ass by a mexican.


oh my god i just totally burst into tears reading this.

i just bought an elliptical trainer, and i admit, my ass cheeks are fucking killing me. i can hardly use the damn thing.
I figured out that I'm too lazy to jog by myself.

I used to jog regularly a couple years ago, but I always had buddies who jogged with me.

I need to buy a self-motivation book, or book on tape.
avi said:
and most sad of all, I have realized and accepted that my hairline is indeed receding and it's probably time for me to shave my head again and probably stick with a very close-cropped cut forevermore so I don't look retarded. er, I mean it's time for a summer haircut. yeah, that's it.

not so sad. fuck hair.