Bjork Appreciation

Björk has made some of my favorite albums ever, especially Post. A friend of mine played me that record one night at my house and I was immediately hooked. I subsequently bought her whole discography as well as live DVDs, etc. She's an amazing vocalist, songwriter and producer / sound designer as well. She's almost like the female Devin Townsend in a way.

I will say though, I haven't been that into her last couple of albums, aside from a couple of tracks. It almost seems like she's trying too hard to be weird and not focusing enough on good songs anymore, but I always check out anything new she releases (because it's guaranteed to be different than anything she's done before.) Still, I think 1990s Björk is where it's at.

So if you're looking to get into Björk, I'd start with Post and Homogenic, both of which are fucking amazing, and need to be experienced as albums.

You don't like medula?!

I love the album, especially since Mike Patton (one of my heros) is on it..

Vespertine is my favorite album, for sure though. Follwoed by Homogenic. Then medulla.
Nothing wrong with that. She just happens to be one of those 5 year olds with cooties that nobody wants to hang out with.
This Bjork interview with Space Ghost is classic!

Here's the full part... (turn to around 6:30)

Bjork: "I have to go to the toilet"
SG: "You remember the difference between the toilet and the sofa, right?"
Bjork: "I think so"
SG: "And remember how angry I got?"
Bjork: "It smells like bad eggs"
SG: "Because that's what happens when you boil the cushions of the couch you've been urinating on!"


Bjork: "It makes all the children happy"
SG: "Honey, those aren't children. Those are packets of cream-cheese!"
Bjork: "Yeah"

Does anyone know what performance this is from or if it's on DVD? The song is out of sync w/ her singing a bit, so I dont know if someone overdubbed the real track over it or not, or if it's just the lag between the video and sound from whatever equipment they used, streaming, etc.


Edit: Nevermind, I found it. It's from a DVD called "Screaming Masterpiece" which is dedicated to music from Iceland.