bjorn, mark, andy ex Abigail Williams

It is a difficult thing to rely on so may people to be able to coordinate their lives around an expressive art. On one hand you have the desire to play at all cost...and on the other you have the inherent need to do your own's certainly a tricky balancing act! All involved in the Abigail issues will be just fine, rest assured, as they are truly all gifted musicians who will most certainly continue to create and perform these expressions in one form or another (I think Mark, Andy, and Bjorn should start a music-only extreme progressive band *think "Alone In Your Presence" but with more show off type stuff...that would certainly shred!)
It will be interesting to see who Ken was able to enlist as well...
If any of y'all are bored tonight come down to Joe's Grotto for a HWBH show!!!
See you at the bar!
When it comes down to brass tax, you can count on everyone of these musicians involved in vehemence, abigail williams, he who binds himself and my own shit (cursed in black) to produce some might fine stuff in metal for the years to come.
InFlame00 said:
I think that Vehemence will arise, It would be a shame to throw away a band like that, the most intresting band in the metalworld for a long time.
Honestly, we are showcasing a new Vehemence song at our show on Feb. 25th....hmmmmm I wonder if we could write another song soon....and another after that....and another....:headbang:
herjesus said:
Honestly, we are showcasing a new Vehemence song at our show on Feb. 25th....hmmmmm I wonder if we could write another song soon....and another after that....and another....:headbang:

god dammit, why can't I just shit out $$
I would totally fly out thier just for that

of topic:
the day after you guys announced the break up I went to a show The Accursed, Bane of Existance, Smite the Righteous and I wore my Vehemence shirt and I got so many comments on the shirt

people love you guys:kickass:
thats awesome man about the shirt comments, and to Nathan man without label support, that would be tough releasing another Vehemence record, it would have to be similar to what Symbyosis does, self released, which is just as cool reguardless, if you can play it, do it, why not display the talent, then again scheduals, other bands, ect ect it has to be a mutual thing to pull. bass tax, never heard of that expression before? just meaning when it comes down to what we do, what we are (metal heads) good damm musicians.
Round 2 of Vehemence would be great. I think you dudes were starting to get more popular when you split up. I say do the show you have on the 25th. See how many people come. I think you still have a huge audience even though you don't do many shows or arn't making new songs.

Could you do us across the US fans a huge huge favor? Since we cannot be at that you think you could record it? I don't even care how much or how (I would settle for a 1 mic low-quality recording) you record but it would be awsome if we could hear the new song Nate is talking about.
That'd be cool if you could do that. I want to hear the new one.

John, I took you off my myspace list before because I couldn't handle all your bulletins. No offense, you blog like a little girl :Spin:

Your back now, just go easy on them bulletins! :headbang:
John is determined to make sure that none of those emo trendy myspace girls will ever EVER out myspace bulletin him or he might have trained hitmen make them cry but damn it, isn't that what emo trendy myspace girls like to do??:loco: :ill: