Blabbermouth idiots??

Thank YOU Anarchy X!!!!! Please refer to another redeyes post I mistakenly dis'd you on....... "gear page" Apologies!
Thats what I'm thinkin. These guys seem like the freaks in high school that no one likes. They think they know everything and that they rule the world. They enjoy bands with cookie monster vocals (I can't stand em). But Every band has a group that hates them, I would rather it be a few whinny goth kids rather than a much larger group whatever it may be.

I don't care what they have to say. It's never positive and it's not worth fighting with them.
This post is for all of you! It really doesn't matter what you like, or what anybody else likes for that matter. Nu-Metal, Thrash metal, old school metal, etc. I am only happy that Anthrax has a new album on the way, and it matters to me, no matter when it comes out! In the end, it only really matters if the music sounds good to you, afterall, they are your ears.


AnarchyX, why don't you just put redeyes on your ignore list instead of repeating yourself, knowing full well you're just provoking him to get the last word? It's like the Blabbermouth idiots...they only do it to get a reaction and attention...if you ignore them, they go away.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
AnarchyX, why don't you just put redeyes on your ignore list instead of repeating yourself, knowing full well you're just provoking him to get the last word? It's like the Blabbermouth idiots...they only do it to get a reaction and attention...if you ignore them, they go away.

Thank God for the ignore list.
Click "Profile" (above), click "Edit Ignore List", and type in "redeyes". Then click "Update List".