thank you crowd surfers! NOT!!


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
I hated this shit when it was actually popular back in early 90's. Now, it is fucking irritating. I stayed my ground and I had a killer time on Saturday in chicago.

I loved seeing one of the later crowd surfers "assisted" by a guy next to me thrown thru the security guys hands down to the ground between the barricade and the stage.

I don't mind the moshers. Hell, I loved moshing growing up. I am not one of these idiots that stand near a moshpit and complain when someone runs into them.

I do think that crowdsurfers, especially fat overweight idiots. Live by the sword, die by the sword. those that fly over me might just feel more aches than poor girls have to put up with when idiots practically molest them as they surf over the crowd.

crowd surfing: it is so cool that they do it at brittney spears concerts most likely.
If you can not taketh thy heat, avoideth thy kitchen.
That's what my master Darth Starbuck told me before I killed him
you can punch my overweight ass all you want... i can still kick you in the head.
ZTPioneer said:
If you can not taketh thy heat, avoideth thy kitchen.
That's what my master Darth Starbuck told me before I killed him

tattooedsean666 said:
I hated this shit when it was actually popular back in early 90's. Now, it is fucking irritating. I stayed my ground and I had a killer time on Saturday in chicago.

I loved seeing one of the later crowd surfers "assisted" by a guy next to me thrown thru the security guys hands down to the ground between the barricade and the stage.

I don't mind the moshers. Hell, I loved moshing growing up. I am not one of these idiots that stand near a moshpit and complain when someone runs into them.

I do think that crowdsurfers, especially fat overweight idiots. Live by the sword, die by the sword. those that fly over me might just feel more aches than poor girls have to put up with when idiots practically molest them as they surf over the crowd.

crowd surfing: it is so cool that they do it at brittney spears concerts most likely.
i agree with you
I remember hearing of a concert where one girl who was surfing basically ended up with nothing else except 1 sock on by the time she got to the front where the bouncers are!
to take a line from phil anselmo -- the trend is dead.

bodysurfing wasn't even cool back in 1990, let alone now.

as for the idiot who said he would kick me in the head, I can guarantee you that at any show you would try it, you will be seriously outnumbered you idiot and you will hope that the steroid bouncers get to you first.

you enjoy bodysurfing, you probably also enjoy all the trendy metalcore crap on headbangers ball each saturday.

shit, I was in pits when they combined shows with bands like agnostic front on tour with death metal bands when if you had no hair you were a nazi and you were out against the "long hairs" Tell me about what I can or can't take. :Smug:

I just think and have always thought it was an idiotic act. It was alittle humerous back when you would have little kids getting up there and they were literally flying as people would pass them on but now all you get up there are fat idiotic people that shouldn't be up there.
Well man given my small frame and short height I usually tend to not go in Moshpits - not because I don't like em but because you would find pieces of me all over the place (just imagine that black knight scene from Holy Grail)... however you can still have fun bangin your head as hard as hell elsewhere. In fact my head fell off after the last concert (no crap! amazing what you can do with sticky tape).

There was one moron at the Megadeth Concert who smashed thru the crowd up the back just so he could be picked up and body surf in the main pit area... a real wanker who has no regard for his fellow metal head as he kicked and pushed his way through ... TURD!

Personally if they are gonna do it then fine but be considerate - some people just always go for too much - no one likes a boot in the face.
I agree with Belly and Sean. Bodysurfing is fucking irritating. Ok, as long as people who weigh less than 60 kilos (120 lbs) are doing it I don´t care much. But it´s always the fat fucks and ADD-steroid assholes who get up there, once I got one of those fuckers on top of me up front by the fence. It probably looked serious because the bouncers just stared and then dragged the guy away while one asked me how I was doing.

The lardass was dropped on me right on my neck and I cracked a rib. If he had fell on someone smaller than me it would probably ended much worse.
I remember this LOA show I was at during the River Runs Red tour, this guy gets on stage and prepares to jump off and as he does the crowd just parts like the red sea, it was funny
tattooedsean666 said:
.......crowd surfing: it is so cool that they do it at brittney spears concerts most likely.

Potentially, their would be some pretty hot bodies at a Britney concert, mind you.....
aliasp said:
I remember hearing of a concert where one girl who was surfing basically ended up with nothing else except 1 sock on by the time she got to the front where the bouncers are!

Where was this concert and why wasn't I there ??????? he he :loco:
ThraxSA said:
Where was this concert and why wasn't I there ??????? he he :loco:

Adriano - what would ya missus say to that :)

Less than 2 weeks to go mate! I AM SO PUMPED FOR THIS ONE!
aliasp said:
Adriano - what would ya missus say to that :)

Less than 2 weeks to go mate! I AM SO PUMPED FOR THIS ONE!

So am I !!!! Looking forward to this one more than the next Port game (but that is just common sense !!!

Oh yer, my wife would have me for toast !!!!!!!!!
Kanga's this weekend man ... eeek ... our bogey side. Surely we can't lose 5 in a row?
I used to do it back in the 80s and had fun. I remember My first thrax gig at LA's Olympic Auditorium guys were diving off the Marshall stacks that had to be 20 ft over the floor and 10 ft higher than the stage. Good times - I lot of stage diving at punk shows to.

Going up and eventually over the barricade got me thrown out of an Anthrax gig in 1987. My friends told me Kirk Hammet played God Save the Queen with thrax that nite. That sucked getting thrown out.

Good times. Just crazy shit but I don't see my self slamming or thrashing anymore - just an old pussy bastard now. :D

Gigs just get crazy sometimes. :hotjump: