black dahlia esque band/mix

pod farm 2.0, some crappy mics, some superior cymbals and my own samples. trying to get a re-amp going but need to track some better guitar parts, if budget allows for it. pod farm is killing me but there's no optimal gear to use.
have you tried exploring lepou plugins? tse plugins? nick crow amp sims? those are free amp sims. Gods cabs, Catharsis Impulses? i dont really have much critique on your mix, it sounds decent. I do like the song writing though. Some of it sounds a bit sloppy (not that tight) Perhaps try time stretching a few things so the guitars are tighter?
Well these are scratch guitars. I ran them to try to get a workable tone. I have tried all of those plugins, they all lack certain elements in their own way of the frequency spectrum. I either get too much fizz or too much honk/mud/boom. I need the bite of a really amp. Drums sound good? They are pretty final.
yea i think the drums sound fine. I cant really comment on the kick though because my monitors arent that great on picking up lows but from what i hear the drums sound just fine. I know exactly what you mean about AMP sims, no matter how many diff impulses i use it always sounds fizzy in the wrong ways.

That song you posted reminds me a lot of this song

Insanely great band, excellent drummer, too bad that band died.
thats a pretty sweet clip. This band is called Animus Invictus . thanks for the comments. I am very satisfied with that drum sound.... i hardly did anything but eq to achieve it lol. Im going to work on getting a better tone and have the guitarists retrack. ill post an update when i get guitars.
Are those guitars quantized? ( 0:46 sounds like a nintendo game, really robotic)

Drums sound good, but I'd back off the snap to grid thing to guitars or it'll sound like robocop having a bad day.

And yes, a bass is needed
Right, and so are vocals. As stated -- its just drums and scratch guitars, so those guitars are all one take. Theres nothing quantized on those guitars or copy/pasted to sound quantized. I still need to set these guys guitar/ bass up. Cant wait to work on this again.