Black Dahlia


Feb 13, 2002
I was wondering if Black Dahlia was just "black dahlia" (a name of the new Anthrax song) or it was something more. Surfing on the net, I found something interesting, very interesting.... Visit this site

(I'd like to know if the lyrics of the song Black Dahlia was inspirated by the story...)

Wow! One of the suspected was called Vorhees. Just like Jason!
I hope this song kicks ass, just like the images of her dead body!
You guys had never heard of the Black Dahlia before?
Damn, it's only one of the most lengendary crime cases ever! Saw a documentary on TLC once, creeped the shit out of me! David Fincher (Dir. of Seven) is suppose to make a film based on her.
Originally posted by dredd_hedd
You guys had never heard of the Black Dahlia before?
Damn, it's only one of the most lengendary crime cases ever! Saw a documentary on TLC once, creeped the shit out of me! David Fincher (Dir. of Seven) is suppose to make a film based on her.

I agree, this group needs to watch a little more TLC, History, and Discovery, and a little less rassling and Twin Peaks. I just finished reading Profiles in Murder, highly recommended, I also recommend Alone with the Devil.
Originally posted by jackfromczech
I was wondering if Black Dahlia was just "black dahlia" (a name of the new Anthrax song) or it was something more. Surfing on the net, I found something interesting, very interesting.... Visit this site

(I'd like to know if the lyrics of the song Black Dahlia was inspirated by the story...)

Quite possible that it's based on this story. Would be EXTREMELY coincidental if they came up with the name if it didn't have to do with this case. Of course the song could be about violence against others or some similar topic and just beusing the name as an example.
Originally posted by TD

I agree, this group needs to watch a little more TLC, History, and Discovery, and a little less rassling and Twin Peaks. I just finished reading Profiles in Murder, highly recommended, I also recommend Alone with the Devil.

i do watch tlc. i saw a sweet special on africanized killer bees a few weeks ago. they had re-enactments and everything. then they had that sweet special on spontaneous human combustion.

great programming.
I am quite interested in crime cases, especially strange and weird murders, but I have to admit I had never heard about this before.
Czech guys kick ass!
Originally posted by Steve M

i do watch tlc. i saw a sweet special on africanized killer bees a few weeks ago. they had re-enactments and everything. then they had that sweet special on spontaneous human combustion.

great programming.

Do you believe in spontaneous human combustion? I dated a girl (hell, moved in with her:D , but not for long) who believed in that shit. Interesting stuff.
Do you believe in spontaneous human combustion? I dated a girl (hell, moved in with her , but not for long) who believed in that shit. Interesting stuff.

I almost thought you were going to say you're girlfriend spontaneuosly combusted... then I read the rest of your post and laughed.
Originally posted by dredd_hedd

I almost thought you were going to say you're girlfriend spontaneuosly combusted... then I read the rest of your post and laughed.

TD I was expecting the same thing :) Well, everything is possible.