Black Diamond (Stratovarius Cover)


Nov 30, 2009
Lima - Peru
Greetings to all!

So I’ve been recording this band which wanted to record a Stratovarius Cover, This was my approach at this "power metal" song, i usually don't like that much that power metal "sound" and tried to kind of emulate it, I know there are many issues about the tightness of the performance, but this is as good as I could record them, they weren't that good musicians, and wanted to rely way too much on the computer, and for what they'll pay I didn't wanted to record like bar by bar or note by note.


This is my shot at this song, I know the vocals seem sometimes auto tuned, but the vocalist was sometimes way out of pitch and just couldn't hit the note.

Any advise and or suggestion is welcome!!! Diamond.mp3

New version voice a bit lower Diamond voz baja.mp3
Dude that sounds almost identical to the original haha..nice work! It's actually making me laugh it's so dang close.
sounds great, mate, really really good. Very much like the original.

maybe its the fact i'm listening to it on my hd tv instead of proper speakers but the vox seem a tad loud.
Thanks for all the positive comments. I'll be putting the voice a little bit lower during the verses and update the post.

And well the keyboard player didn't record the wav directly because of his bad keyboard, but did play everything in one go. Talented guy.

And yes it is Amp sim XD he actually brought his amp but, there was a very bad Ground loop problem and the noise made the take unusable. So I used just the DI's.

wtf are you serious this is no the original track in the intro? sounds a lot alike. Only difference would be the guitar tone is missing a lot of high end content, but still not too shabby! Loving the bass and drums and keys.