Test "song" help in mix


Nov 30, 2009
Lima - Peru
Greetings! to all!
first of all sorry for the bad english your about to read.haha
well this isn't a song at all it's just some riff my bro played and i sang some random stuff on top of it (i know i'm not saying anthing and some parts are cliping) well anyways what i would like to know is if the sound is WAY to scooped? cause i usually mix kinda mid heavy and this time trying to emulate Symphony X latest Album sound scooped the guitars, maybe to much :P

Well any suggestion is welcome and for you to know there is just a clipper and Limiter in the master chain to take the dB's up :P!!!! just for showing purposes nothing is "final"

ah, and the bass is just a transposed guitar XD!!! my bro left his bass at his drumers home damn.

Well Thanx!!!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3530360/Metal Test- lowe voice.mp3

added new version

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3530360/Metal Test more mids.mp3
The guitars sound too thin to me. It may fit the style, but they don't seem to have much power in the mix. The drums sound pretty good, although I think the bass drum might have a little too much low end. It seems slightly overpowering.
cool stuff though.:rock:
hmm to thin guitars going to check that again as i said I may have scooped the sound to much :P!!! and for the singer thats me XD and i've never heard of mike vescera XD! anyways i was just singing random stuff ontop in one single take without correcting the pitch ( as you can notice :P) well thanx :)
I've put an update, tried to make the guitars less "thin". but maybe they are to quiet now, or the voice is way to loud :P help!