Black Fate is AWESOME


Feb 8, 2009
Hey, Theocracy, you've recently posted about a label-mate band "Black Fate." Thank you for that. They are really strong. Totally grooving, melodic prog/power metal. Very distinctive vocals and uber crunchy! Loving it.
I have to admit I haven't given it much of a chance yet, but I need to. Thanks for prompting me to listen again!

Here's one of the tracks from the album; fans of Khan-era Kamelot should enjoy (wow, he sounds a lot like Roy Khan!):

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Black Fate's 'Rhyme of the False Orchestra' often comes up as the next autoplay song for me on YouTube when I listen to Project Aegis' 'Collide and Spark'. After hearing it many times now, this song has wormed it's way into my brain (in a good way!):
For those who haven't made the connection yet, the lead singer of Black Fate is the first male singer in Project Aegis' 'Angel In The Ashes'.