Black Flies.....FUCK YOU!!!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Anyone have any experience with these little fuckers?! I plan on going back to Acadia, Maine in a couple weeks and camp there for the week but it is the beginning of the dreadful Black Fly Season!!!! I never heard of this shit before today and have become EXTREMELY PISSED and annoyed at may having to miss out on my favorite place in the entire world. Supposedly swarms of "biblical proportions" are often reported and they are little vampire fuckers...only during the day though.



...also called buffalo gnat , or turkey gnat any member of the insect family Simuliidae (order Diptera), usually black or dark gray. About 300 species of worldwide distribution are known. The black fly is small and humpbacked, with gauzy wings, stout antennae and legs, and rather short mouthparts adapted for sucking blood. The females bite and are sometimes so abundant that they may kill chickens, birds, and other domestic animals. Some species carry worms capable of causing onchocerciasis, which may result in blindness or in nodules beneath the skin. The larvae and pupae live in flowing water. When fully developed the fly frees itself from its pupal case, rises to the water surface on a bubble of air, and flies away.

In the spring along the Mississippi River, Cnephia pecuarum is a serious livestock pest. There are records of this species killing horses and mules either with bloodsucking bites or by smothering, which may occur when the animals' nostrils become blocked by large numbers of gnats. Also appearing in the spring is Simulium meridionale, which attacks bird combs and wattles. Repellents and grease or oil smears are used for protection.
When I kayaked the Alagash they where real bad but I sorta just ignored them, after we where done was the worst though. I was a mess with bites, hah.

'Twas early in the spring when I decide to go
For to work up in the woods in North On-tar-i-o
The unemployment office said they'd send me through
To the Little Abi-tibi with the survey crew

And the black flies, the little black flies
Always the black fly, no matter where you go
I'll die with the black fly a-picking my bones
In North On-tar-i-o-i-o, in North On-tar-i-o

Now the man, black Toby was the captain of the crew
And he said, "I'm gonna tell you boys what we're gonna do
They want to build a power dam and we must find a way
For to make the Little Ab flow around the other way"

So we survey to the east and we survey to the west
And we couldn't make our minds up how to do it best
Little Ab, Little Ab, what shall I do
For I'm all but goin' crazy on the survey crew

It was black fly, black fly everywhere
A-crawlin' in your whiskers, a-crawlin' in your hair
A-swimmin' in the soup, and a'swimmin in the tea
Oh the devil take the black fly and let me be

Black Toby fell to swearin' 'cause the work went slow
And the state of our morale was gettin' pretty low
And the flies swarmed heavy, it was hard to catch a breath
As you staggered up and down the trail talkin' to yourself

Now the bull cook's name was Blind River Joe
If it hadn't been for him we'd have never pulled through
For he bound up our bruises, and he kidded us for fun
And he lathered us with bacon grease and balsam gum

At last the job was over, Black Toby said, We're through
With the Little Abitibi and the survey crew
'Twas a wonderful experience and this I know
I'll never go again to North Ontar-i-o

If m00se doesn't know that one and these videos... he needs to die.

The Log Driver Song:
Doomcifer said:
Anyone have any experience with these little fuckers?! I plan on going back to Acadia, Maine in a couple weeks and camp there for the week but it is the beginning of the dreadful Black Fly Season!!!! I never heard of this shit before today and have become EXTREMELY PISSED and annoyed at may having to miss out on my favorite place in the entire world. Supposedly swarms of "biblical proportions" are often reported and they are little vampire fuckers...only during the day though.



Haha don't worry about it man thats all part of the Northern NE experience. It sucks but your an outdoorsman so you can put up with 'em, trust me.

PS: Deet does help because it may look like a swarm of only black flys, but there's Skeeters and other buggers in there to.
Haha don't worry about it man thats all part of the Northern NE experience. It sucks but your an outdoorsman so you can put up with 'em, trust me.

PS: Deet does help because it may look like a swarm of only black flys, but there's Skeeters and other buggers in there to.

yeah true. Im just pissed cuz I got blindsided by this whole extravaganza and the hype surrounding it. I will be checking out for daily news and updates though. Supposedly last year was a mild season for them.