Astonishing morbid black metal


New Metal Member
May 4, 2005
For all who missed it yet read some reviews aaout Dark Tribe

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Sean Clark - NO WAY OUT design
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Dark Tribe is what it sounds like after setting a hospital for the criminaly insane on fire... a thousand burning maniacs screaming in terror while raping your mind... PURE HORRIFIC AUDIO TERROR.

Totally psychotic and hatefull ORIGINAL underground black metal - only for the truely DEADicated.

Total Holocaust Records Sweden
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Incredible CD, I can hear that Dark tribe has a sound of their own, even though influences from Burzum can't be hidden! Which happens to be one of my favourite artists. But this goes alot further then Burzum, it's not the same song all over the cd, the material is varied enough to keep your attention to the disc throughout the 46min that the cd spans. Alot is happening in the maelstrom of chaos that Dark tribe sometimes might appear as, alas it's a more rewarding disc! So you will discover new things everytime you hear it, dark emotions and hate presenting itself through most efficent Black Metal is what you will get! One of the biggest suprises for 2004!

Elskrin Italia
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Chizofrenia allo stato puro. “In Jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der Tollwütigen Bestie” è uno degli album più insani ed originali che mi sia capitato di ascoltare negli ultimi tempi. Three-piece proveniente dalla Germania, i Dark Tribe, non hanno alcun punto in comune con nessuna band teutonica, anzi a dire il vero il black metal che la band propone non ha punti in comune con la maggior parte degli acts in circolazione. Quando si cerca di proporre qualcosa di originale, specialmente nel black metal, è alto il rischio di uscire fuori dal seminato, inserendo soluzioni che poco hanno a che vedere con le fondamenta del genere stesso. I Dark Tribe riescono invece ad essere estremamente originali senza per questo rinunciare alle peculiarità che ogni band che suoni black metal dovrebbe avere. E’ proprio la voglia di osare l’arma vincente della band. Di mettere in scena, con un’impressionante e lucida follia, un mondo totalmente alienato e schizoide, dove la razionalità lascia il passo alle turbe più diverse. Le vocals constano di urla sconclusionate e apparentemente senza alcun senso logico, accompagante, a volte, da voci profonde ed evocative che sembrano quasi voler esorcizzare il furioso screaming. Il riffing, zeppo di dissonanze e a t ratti del tutto estraneo dai tipici archetipi black metal, risulta essere quasi psichedelico, ricordando a volte gli ultimi Blut Aus Nord, mentre le partiture di batteria fanno da degna cornice, marziali e glaciali ma sempre pronte a lanciarsi in furiosi blast beats che rincorrono il resto della brigata in una folle corsa verso il nichilismo più puro. a

Un album sorprendente e personale, una folle ed estraniante corsa verso il completo annichilimento della percezione uman

Elskrin (english translation)
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Pure schizophrenia. “In Jeraspunta…” is one of the most insane an original albums I’ve heard since a lot of time. Three-piece coming from Germany, the Dark Tribe doesn’t have anything to do with other german bands, to be sincerely, their black metal doesn’t have anything to do with the main parts of the acts. When you try to offer something of original, above all in the black metal music, there is a lot of probabilities to make it wrong, putting solutions that are not made for black metal roots. The Dark Tribe are able to be extremely originals playing a good black metal. Their strong point is the original sound. You can feel madness and crazy and there is no space for sanity. The vocals are screams mixed with deep and evocative voices that seems to exorcise the furious screaming. The riffing sometime seems out of the black metal sound, it is psychedelic, remembering the last Blut aus Nord, instead the battery is black metal style martial and glacial but always ready to start with furious blast beats that bring you in a fool race to the pure nihilism.

A personal and wondering album, a fool race to the complete annihilation of the human perception.

DK 666 Italia
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Oh cazzo! 'Sti quattro folli provenienti dalla Germania e che rispondono al nome di Dark Tribe, l'hanno davvero combinata grossa! "In Jeraspunta", secondo album della band, è un vero e proprio incubo "total black", un visionario viaggio attraverso la sofferenza, la perdizione e la dannazione ultraterrena! Cazzo, davvero impressionanti, inquietanti i riff di chitarra monocorde, strazianti, agghiaccianti le vocals dei tre indemoniati "screamers" che si alternano e si sovrappongono mostruosamente, sembra di assistere a una vera e propria orgia di dannati durante un rituale di magia nera! Maledetti da dio, malatissimi..."In Jeraspunta" è un'opera di menti malate e assolutamente ostili a tutto ciò che le circonda, un odio scellerato che nasce dal disgusto e dal ribrezzo, è l'anti-musica, l'anti-vita. Non posso far altro che tessere enormi elogi, per questa band tedesca, già pronta per il gran salto...forse la produzione non sarà il loro forte, ma rende ancor più freddo e dissonante un sound che di "umano" davvero ben poco...qualcosa di "simile" è stato realizzato dai francesi Blut Aus Nord di "The Work Which Transforms God" e se lo conoscete, comprenderete l'alto livello di follia e originalità contenuto in questo grandissimo sigillo nero. Stampato nelle solite 1000 copie, non sarà facile reperirlo, io ci provo e consiglio a tutti voi di fare altrettanto.



DK 666 Italia (english translation)
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Wow! These 4 foolish coming from Germany with name Dark Tribe did a very great thing! “In jeraspunta”, second full length of the band, it’s a really nightmare “total black”, a visionary journey trough the sufferance, the perdition and the damnation! Very shocking and disturbing guitar riffs, agonizing and dreadful the vocals of the 3 possessed “screamers” placed one upon the others, it seems to assist to an orgiastic ritual in a black mass! Damned by God, sickening… “In jeraspunta” is an album of sick minds adverse to everything they have around, an hate that born from the disgust, that’s anti-music, anti-life. I cannot do anything else than say that that’s a great band, ready for the big jump… maybe the production is not their best point but it adds on the feeling of cold and the inhuman feeling of the sound… we can find something similar to the French band Blut aus Nord in the album “The work…” and if you know it, it will be easy to understand the madness and the originally inside this black jewel. Printed in the same 1000 copies, it will not be easy to find it, I’ll try and I suggest to everybody to do the same.



DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Meinungen wie "Diese Combo ist wohl grad erst draufgekommen, dass es neben den bekannten Vielverdienern Dimmu Borgir und Cradle Of Filth doch noch einen anderen, weit weniger süßlichen Bereich im Schwarzstahl gibt" wurden nach Bekanntwerden von dem vorliegenden Album laut, sowohl von Freunden als auch von betriebsinternen Kollegen. Allzu schade, dass ich mich mit diesem Kommentar aber sowas von überhaupt nicht anfreunden, geschweige denn einfach so stehen lassen kann, dazu fehlt es Dark Tribe einfach an dem üblichen Durchschnittsauftreten/-einstellung, welches heutzutage in dieser Sparte leider gang und gäbe scheint. Fangen wir mal von hinten an: Was lässt ein Werk wie "In Jeraspunta" beim Hörer an Emotionen zurück, sobald die Platte das Ende erreicht hat? Grenzenlose Verwunderung über das gerade eben erlebte Klangszenario, mitunter fühlt man sich ausgepeitscht, Zustände wie nach einer Selbstgeißelung kommen in den Sinn. Wenn das Werk mit einer geisteskranken Hymne wie "Nothing As Darkness" beginnt, wird dem Hörer klar, dass dies kein weiteres Opus von der Stange ist: Alle drei Mitglieder machen ihrem Ärger nicht im herkömmlichen Stil Luft, sie bedienten sich angeblich sogar einer "Rekonstruktion einer toten, archaischen Sprache, welche weit vor den indogermanischen Einflüssen angewandt wurde" - in der Tat verstehe ich kein einziges Wort, was laut Gruppe auch angesichts der empfundenen Gefühle unmöglich erschien. Die Akteure wechseln sich untereinander ab, fernab jeglicher Gesangsmelodien oder -rhythmen treiben sie ihre Stimmbänder an den Rand der totalen Überbelastung. Krächzen, Keifen, Wehklagen, Schreien - alle Extreme kommen hier zusammen. Was den Songs dennoch eine Art Ordnung verleiht, ist das sehr ansprechende Instrumentalgewand: Wahnsinnige, abgehackte, amelodische Melodien treffen auf Schlagzeugarbeiten vom Feinsten. Je öfter der geneigte Hörer die Ehre hat, "In Jeraspunta" aus den Lautsprechern schallen zu lassen, desto eher bekommt er das Gefühl, einem zeremoniellen Ritual beizuwohnen, welches in einer anderen Welt stattfindet, fernab von jeder menschlichen Semizivilisation. Kurzum: Das Gesamtbild, in welchem ferner die formidable Produktion eine große Rolle spielt, stimmt. Nach einigen dutzend Durchläufen verliert aber selbst solch ein brachiales Eisen wie "IJ-DRdtB" an seiner ursprünglichen Magie. Es fällt schwer, das zweite Machwerk der Kunrauer treffend und vor allem präzise zu beschreiben, da es eine Langrille darstellt, die jedem einzelnen etwas anderes sagt, sprich höchst unterschiedliche Reaktionen auslöst. Trotzdem oder gerade deswegen sehe ich mich quasi verpflichtet, die drei Recken mächtigst zu belohnen - sie haben es schließlich geschafft, nach so kurzer Truppenexistenz ein derart intensives Hörerlebnis zu erschaffen, das anderen Bands nie gelingen wird.




Black Terror Metal Italia
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Secondo album per questa band Tedesca, che sinceramente, fino a non molto tempo fa, non conoscevo minimamente. “In Jeraspunta...“ è un disco incredibile, totalmente folle, fatto di urla agghiaccianti, dove la melodia è praticamente assente e compare solo nei momenti dove sono necessarie atmosfere maligne. La musica dei Dark Tribe pare voler colpire l’ascoltatore psicologicamente, creando atmosfere alienate, oscure, fredde come raramente ho sentito. Una band sentimentalmente e musicalmente radicata negli anni ’80, in certi frangenti infatti, per quanto riguarda i riff di chitarra (spesso anomali per un gruppo black) m’è venuta in mente una delle mie band preferite: i Mekong Delta. Pare assurdo, ma il gusto freddo e maligno della cult band Tedesca (unica nel suo genere) viene trasmesso perfettamente anche da questa band. Influenze che quindi provengono dal caro, vecchio e oscuro thrash metal europeo, ma che vengono trasposte al moderno suono del black metal più caotico e psichedelico (Blut Aus Nord su tutti). Finalmente siamo quindi di fronte ad una band originale, ma dannatamente grezza e maligna nella propria musica, che riesce a creare un alchimia perfetta fra un suono “all’avanguardia” che molto sfocia nel post noise degli anni ’90, ma che ha radici nel suono “evil” che solo poche band, negli anni ’80 riuscivano a ricreare, il tutto condito da un atmosfera spesso recitata da voci profonde e celebrative che ben si sposano con gli urli disumani del cantante. Fra i dischi usciti nel nuovo millennio, questo è sicuramente uno dei più ispirati e folli che mi sia capitato d’ascoltare, e che probabilmente seguiterò ad adorare per tanti e tanti mesi di fila. Questa è un opera che trascende dalla concezione umana, che riesce, con la sua antica veste, ad essere manifesto del puzzolente catrame che ormai ha soffocato la nostra società moderna. I Dark Tribe sono anche profeti, neri messaggeri che diffondono vero e proprio terrore sonoro; ogni nota è infatti una celebrazione, un simbolo di devozione alla negatività e all’odio più intelligente e terrificante. La parola C A P O L A V O R O, non suona affatto male se affiancata a questi Mostri. Una musica che tuttavia è dedicata ad una stretta schiera d’ascoltatori, a quelli che adorano il suono più estremo, caotico e distruttivo, quel suono che ben poco si rifà ai dettami della malata scena metal moderna, ma è questo il bello, è questo il segreto di questo capolavoro assoluto del nuovo millennio.


Black Terror Metal Italia (english translation)
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Second album for this German band, that sincerely I didn’t heard until now. In jeraspunta… it’s an incredible album, totally mad, with very cold screams where the melodies appear only when they need evil atmospheres. The music of the Dark Tribe seems to hit the listeners in his psychology, creating black and cold atmosphere as not often I’ve heard. One band strictly related to the 80’ ages, in some parts in fact, above all concerning guitar riffs (not used in general in black metal), they remember to me one of my favourite band: Mekong Delta. It seems absurd but the evil and cold feeling of the german cult band, is present also in this band. Influences that are came from the old and obscure European thrash metal but that are realised in this modern black metal sound, chaotic and psychedelic (Blut aus Nord, in primis). We are in face of one original band, damned raw and evil in his music, that is able to create a perfect alchemy between ? avant-garde to arrive in a post noise sound of 90’ ages, but that has his roots in the ? sound that only few bands in the 80’ ages were able to create, everything mixed with celebrative and deep voices accompanied with inhuman screams of the singer. This is one the best album I’ve heard in this new millennium, one of the most inspired and foolish that probably I’ll listen for a lot of months. That’s an opera out of human conception that is able, with its old clothes, to be the manifest of the stinking tar that has been suffocated our modern society. Dark Tribe are also prophets, black messengers that release their terror sounds; every note, is in fact, a celebration, a symbol to devotion to evil and hate but in a very intelligent and terrifying way. The word M A S T E R P I E C E, is right for these Monsters. A music that however is dedicated to a strictly circle of listeners, those like an extreme and chaotic sound, the same sound that is not present anymore in the sick black metal scene of today, but that’s the good, this is the secret of this absolutely masterpiece of the new millennium.


Todestrieb Records UK
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

After receiving the promo CD from B.H. it was essential to import some copies to distro over here! Vocals recall WOOD OF INFINITY and SILENCER when screamed! Even cleansung at times. They are very diverse and Very powerful. Guitars have a killer sound when torn, and often integrate swirling 'horror-inspired' melodies that work surprisingly well! The beginning of "The Seed" is introduced by hypnotic guitars and an apocalyptic bass line to create huge then collapses into hysterical madness and violence! It is this violent, furious sound that is the most identifiable aspect of D.T. but occasionally it will be broken by melodic pieces. These only enhance the inevitable onslaught to follow! Despite the chaos, there is a real "narrative", atmosphere to be found here and depth to the record that reaches beyond "insane noise". One of a few great records that will bring 2004 to its End.


Macabre OmenNewzealand
DARK TRIBE – “In Jeraspunta - ... ”

Monumental madness - 100% Written by Gomorrah on January 14th, 2005 In an age where the majority of black metal bands are basically rehashing ideas built in the early 90s by Burzum and Darkthrone(Nyktalgia, anyone?), it is always refreshing to come across something as strikingly original as Dark Tribe's second full-length effort. When I first listened to this I was overwhelmed, the general sound evokes absolute chaos and insanity – though the album isn't a blasting fest, nor is it “brutal” in the Marduk sense. This is true ominous madness. If one concentrates while listening to this(I don't see how one couldn't)it'll twist and distort ones mind, allow nothing else to enter ones thought process but the emotions it evokes. The riffs are some of the strangest I've heard since Blut Aus Nord's last offering. They're so dissonant and weird you'll be peering over at your speakers wondering what kind of inhuman beasts created them. The melodies are unique, lush and very creepy – often sounding as if they were played backwards, repeating to create a wicked, hellish atmosphere. Said melodies and similar rhythms weave in between thick and chugging riffs(coupled with explosive speed)while an enraged psychopath howls uncontrollably over the top; the vocals are utterly deranged, they're completely incomprehensible shrieks which remind me of Landfermann on Bethlehem's 'Dictius Te Necare'. The difference is they're never sorrowful or suicide inducing; more like insanity inducing. The listener is given small breaks from these ghastly screams in a few of the tracks, though; another less predominant vocal style is present in the form of a deep, chanting voice which allows breathing space between the intensity but also gives the album an eerie, epic vibe. Underlining all of this is simplistic yet frenetic and variable drumming which serves it's purpose as the backbone, nothing more. The production is perfect. The percussion and bass take a backseat to the dominant and always interesting guitar work. It's slightly muddy, but everything is easily audible. I can't stress enough the feeling of utter blackness this album is suffocated in. It surrounds you and sucks you in like a schizophrenic abyss, consuming your soul in thick, bloody red and black waves of filth and madness. There are no instrumentals, barely any moments to breathe; thus making this a relentless journey through the musicians demented minds. I'm currently hooked though, I've been playing this non-stop since the moment I received it. I wouldn't recommend this to newbies – only those well acquainted and searching for new depths of darkness. In Jeraspunta is definitely a contender for 2004's black metal throne. It matches the best(Deathspell Omega, Graveland, Countess)and basically obliterates everything else I heard from the year.

Recommended !
