Black Lion Audio signature mod on an 003, worth it?

Dan R

Apr 13, 2011
Ottawa, Canada
I've heard nothing but great things about this mod, but with MBPs dropping firewire and switching to thunderbolt (I know there's an adapter cable, but still), and the 003 support being dropped after PT10, I was wondering if anyone had experience with them, and if it would be worth getting it done now. For the price range of that mod+shipping I could grab an Apogee ensemble or something similar.

I had the mod and I was 100% happy with it, but with the support being dropped I would go with something else now. I sold my 002 a while back because I knew it was only a matter of time before Avid would drop all support on it.
I wil echo what has already been said, and recommend you save your bucks for a new interface.
Nevermind all the reviews and such on their websites, I've only heard the best of praise for those things. Never heard one in person, but I'm gonna have to say the same as everyone else. For that money, you could get yourself a brand new MH interface.