Black Metal at Bloodstock


Singer of Strange Songs
Aug 13, 2002
Far Above the Trees
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There are a couple of good UK Black Metal bands (Frost, Cruel Humanity, Anaal Nakrath (sorry bout the spelling)) Plus theres a fair few active scandinavian bands (Carpathian Forest, Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Dark Funeral) who'd be great for a festival like Bloodstock, I mean I don't think CF or DF have even played in this country before, plus It'd add even more veriaty.

Dimmu would rule...but perhaps theyre too big too be added to the bill now, unless they headlined the second stage on the main event (Sabbat's slot from last year). Dark Funeral would be cool too, as would Satyricon or Frost.
@ Baletempest
thanks dude, we'd really like to play & we're ment to play @ BS1, but we seem to have real trouble getting billed for it ... the worst thing is, we ALL live within spitting distance of the assembly rooms & will be there anyway.
Im dissapointed in the lack of BM, last year there was some great bm (not in the traditional sense) bands in bal sagoth and primordial, main reason i went. I think there should deffinately be some black + death metal added.
There is a upcoming BM all niter fest in milton keynes in october, some bands are confirmed (dark funeral, destroyer 666 etc) and they are in contact with mayhem, satyricon and marduk... should be great!
I always thought Dark Funeral were Swedish ?
Anyways you probably wont agree with me on this but you are forgetting Cradle of Filth. I know they arn't that popular now but they are English...
Id disagree, their new album marks a return to black metal, much harsher and more primitive, less mainstream, very Bal-sagoth inspired lyric and vocal styles plus a more Emperor style guitar platform.

tho' Dusk... and her Embrace- Bitter Suites to Succubi are very much Gothic Metal.

Cradle are popular, just not in the traditional sence, they can sell out gigs and get videos on Kerang! but they don't actualy have that many Trendy fans, most of them like me are genuine fans.

But Cradle would have to be headliners, no-way would they settle for playing on the second stage.
Dusk... and her Embrace- Bitter Suites to Succubi are very much Gothic Metal.

Don't insult GM. ;)

As for details of this BM festival, I found the following on's boards.

Originally from Blabbermouth:

DARK FUNERAL, DESTROYER 666, THUS DEFILED, ADORIOR, ASMODEUS and HATRED are among the bands set to appear at The Re-crucifixion Of Christ Festival at The Sanctuary in Milton Keynes, England on October 25, according to link textLive4Metal. Negotiations are reportedly underway to add SATYRICON, MARDUK and MAYHEM to the bill. The event runs from 6:30 p.m. through 'till 4:00 a.m. More information will be made available soon.
I wonder who the organisers have actually approached?

Did they try any big European bands like COF, Immortal, Marduk, Dimmu, Vader, Chilren of Bodom?
I suspect that 1)the venue is too small 2) they can't afford them so they haven't bothered.

But there are more local and very talented bands who deserve a fair go-like Cruel Humanity, and other bands from the Midlands, Sheffield, Bradford etc.

Personally I'm not fussed about any of the bands billed so far, but want to support the UK metal scene and just go for the metal atmosphere.

It would be fantastic if there was a wider variety of metal on so there would actually be a band I want to see (last time I only saw Return to the Sabbat and Bal-Sagoth). Give us some death/black/goth/industrial etc as wide a variety as possible.

All those bands people have mentioned above I would be really happy to see.
Baletempest said:
There are a couple of good UK Black Metal bands (Frost, Cruel Humanity, Anaal Nakrath (sorry bout the spelling)) Plus theres a fair few active scandinavian bands (Carpathian Forest, Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Dark Funeral) who'd be great for a festival like Bloodstock, I mean I don't think CF or DF have even played in this country before, plus It'd add even more veriaty.


Dude your wish was Vince's command! well 1/3rd of it was anyway ... You'll be able to see Cruel Humanity @ BS3, Saturday @ about 11.50ish
