Black Metal + Breakcore

I've definitely come across this combination during my internet browsings, but as far as I remember it was always awful, hence why I haven't noted any specific artists down. There are a few death metal and grind bands who work in elements of breakcore succesfully, but there seems to be a fundamental clash of styles that prevents it working with black metal.
well if you like breakcore, try Venetian Snares, but i'm not real sure about the combo of black metal and break core
Diapsiquir - Virus S.T.N.

could possibly fit your description. They're downright weird.

Thy Catafalque are a band that kinda compbine black metal with electric influences, but not really breakcore, more like 8-bitcore.. lol. On the album Tuno Ido Tarlat anyways.. Their newer album is a bit different

Both are excellent bands though.
Somewhat curious myself.

Hecate is a break core artist whose also extremely involved in the black metal scene. She's collaborated with several black metal bands, and eventually formed her own black metal band. I haven't explored all her stuff yet, but I don't think I've ever heard her bring breakcore into the black metal collaborations. Her breakcore stuff definitely has a bit of a black metal vibe to it, but I'm not sure if she's ever outright merged the two genre.