Black Metal History Month

If we can get serious here for just a second, how many people that call themselves fans of true black metal would actually live the lifestyle to the extent that Dead did according to this letter? It would seem to me that in order to legitimately consider yourself a purveyor of what these obviously mentally unstable people considered true DEATH metal, you'd need to be going to same lengths that Dead did in order to support your cause. When he saw his evil music becoming less evil, he fucking murdered himself instead of dealing with it.

I can't say I know ANYONE that would be willing to do that. Black metal indeed has a fascinating history and it's entertaining to read and learn about, but I think that's because it's so outlandish and ridiculous also. Music is cool and everything, but it's not the only reason to live.

We could all just do what the buddhist did and light ourselves on fire in protest of how stupid killing yourself is!