sorry i don't usually keep up with the latest eurovision happeningshello and welcome to old news land
KEEP OF KALESSIN used to be an actual good norwegian black metal band, not GREAT, but certainly solid for what it was, and up to this point they never really fucked up by doing something stupid. this, however, really makes THE KOVENANT and SATYRICON and whoever else is accused of selling out just really really really pale in comparison.this has no relation to the true satan imo btw
Maybe if his new CD is universally panned, Varg will stab these guys.good work everyone! time to turn out the lights, lock up and go home.
PoS could only be ghayer if they released an audio version of themselves performing fellatio.and in sweden, we had PAIN OF SALVATION writing some other monument to crappy pop shit that i haven't heard, but i don't like the band to begin with so no loss there
really, who cares about that shitNicholas Cage's sons band I am sure had a lot to do with its demise as well.
"epic, extreme metal"
So black metal is dead because a band is making shitty metal that doesn't resemble black metal? I'm not following...
So black metal is dead because a band is making shitty metal that doesn't resemble black metal? I'm not following...
"i don't want to see trend people respecting me, i want them to HATE and FEAR"
-- euronymous