Black metal mix (SVX/Lecto/8505/SD2)

Dec 28, 2005
36 Womb of Dust v10.mp3

Hey guys:

Guitars: ESP/LTD EC-50 (EMG 85/81) -> Profire 610 Hi-Z -> TSE808 -> LeCto -> ASEM -> EQ -> C4 : Panned 80L/R

Bass: SX SJB62-5 Fretless (EMG JX) -> Firebox Hi-Z -> 3 tracks
1) DI smashed to fuck
2) SVX -> Eden 4x10
3) TSS -> 8505 -> spreshigh

Drums: Superior Drummer 2 / The Metal Foundry
kick was blended with the Chimaira sample, I believe 70(real)/30(sample)

any opinions? comments? critiques? I've been fighting to get a realistic but clear guitar tone and I think I may have finally found it.
Its not horrible but there needs to be a lot of improvement, the guitar tone sounds really like strange to me, i feel there should also be more bass in the track sound thin and fuzzy to me. I would just listen to other mix's along the lines of what your mixing and just find everything yours is lacking.

proably help you out a lot if you listen to mixs your really dig, when your mixing.

Thats where i feel a good start at getting good at mastering comes in.

its not horrible tho heard way worse.